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CaptQuint wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:26 pm
Maybe Trump should go to Texas and hug some covid patients
don't worry about us down here. we're are making out just fine.
Houston hospitals are increasingly turning away new patients as coronavirus overwhelms emergency rooms
The busiest hospitals in Houston are increasingly telling emergency responders they cannot safely accept new patients as hundreds of coronavirus patients crowd emergency rooms, and hospitals scramble to open more intensive care space.
CaptQuint wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:35 pm
Federal supplied big boy pants
you will have a point when our governor gets on tv every morning and cries like a baby that we need every ventilator in the world and the federal government is asking us who we want to kill. good lord, have you forgotten that whining child?
CaptQuint wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:35 pm
Federal supplied big boy pants
you will have a point when our governor gets on tv every morning and cries like a baby that we need every ventilator in the world and the federal government is asking us who we want to kill. good lord, have you forgotten that whining child?
Yeah, and it's a shame how he let Chump dictate reopening before he met all the national criteria for doing so, and reignited the plague in his State.
Wait, that was Texas and Floriduh's governors. NY and NJ's & Conn.'s are doing it right (though admittedly a couple of weeks later than they should have).
CaptQuint wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:35 pm
Federal supplied big boy pants
you will have a point when our governor gets on tv every morning and cries like a baby that we need every ventilator in the world and the federal government is asking us who we want to kill. good lord, have you forgotten that whining child?
Yeah, and it's a shame how he let Chump dictate reopening before he met all the national criteria for doing so, and reignited the plague in his State.
Wait, that was Texas and Floriduh's governors. NY and NJ's & Conn.'s are doing it right (though admittedly a couple of weeks later than they should have).
the biggest thing that you have wrong is thinking that the republican governors did anything because Trump somehow asked them or forced them. the republican governors did what they did because the people in their state were going ape shit with phone calls, emails, you name it. the governors did what the people in their state wanted. Trump did what his republican constituents wanted from all over the country. that's how government works.
you see the people in the republican states knew that we never signed up to cure this virus. we didn't stay home for 3 months because we thought we could make it go away. we did that to slow it down. but that strategy in a free nation only works for so long. if you don't believe that then you haven't been paying attention. we have to learn to live, do business, and function as a country with this fucking virus until a vaccine is available. that's just a fact. If you can't wrap your head around that, then just remind yourself of the fatality rate. IF......IF.... you are one of the very few that get this virus, THEN..... your chances of dying are about 0.3%. And that number even goes down further if you are in good health.
all you guys want to do is make the virus something political. which it is not. but yall's brains are so corrupted from all the propogandist bullshit you read every day that you really can't separate it.
you say you go to work every day. you say you go to stores. that's what i do. how is your way of dealing with this virus and my way any different. that's the thing that I don't understand.
reading your posts a person would think you live in an isolation chamber and have everything delivered.
Apparently they've started a campaign in the White House to discredit Fauci. He seems to have hurt poor Chumpy's feewings, talking about that science stuff he doesn't believe in, and not agreeing with the stuff he makes up and sees on Faux.
FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:26 amApparently they've started a campaign in the White House to discredit Fauci. He seems to have hurt poor Chumpy's feewings, talking about that science stuff he doesn't believe in, and not agreeing with the stuff he makes up and sees on Faux.
that groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
other than a cartoon, do you have a direct quote of Devos saying that she thinks that 0.02% of all kids going back to school will die from the virus? That smells like complete bullshit to me and i can't find one.
FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:26 amApparently they've started a campaign in the White House to discredit Fauci. He seems to have hurt poor Chumpy's feewings, talking about that science stuff he doesn't believe in, and not agreeing with the stuff he makes up and sees on Faux.
that groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
Since late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?