This man told you the corona virus was a hoax, you cheered.
Then he told you all, it was gonna disappear in April, you cheered louder.
And then he told you it was serious, still you all cheered.
He told you masks were for freedom hating suckers, you cheered.
Then he told you the virus was gone and we need to reopen, and you all cheered.
He told you the reason we got more cases is because we test too much, you cheered.
He said it was safe to send your children to school, you cheered.
Now he tells you wearing a mask is patriotic, yet you’re still cheering.
Now he tells you, it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, still you’re cheering.
I know your brains are made of a single cell but if you all think hard enough, even you will understand YOU’RE the reason we have over 170 thousand dead people and counting. YOU all are the reason the US is the laughing stock of the whole world. You all are what’s wrong with this country.”
-Fígaro Estime