Defeated Jihadists Still Defiant

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Defeated Jihadists Still Defiant


Post by VinceBordenIII »

The bigger danger is what these radicalized, unrepentant turds will do back in the West now that they don’t have their caliphate to fight for.
He told the House Armed Services congressional committee: 'Reduction of the physical caliphate is a monumental military accomplishment but the fight against Isis and violent extremism is far from over.

'What we are seeing now is not the surrender of ISIS as an organisation but a calculated decision to preserve the safety of their families and the preservation of their capabilities by taking their chances in camps for internally displaced persons and going to ground in remote areas and waiting for the right time to resurge. ... phate.html
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Re: Defeated Jihadists Still Defiant


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Smartest thing you could do would be to expel all outsiders, herd them together, and off them. Because that is inhumane, some people are going to be killed in bombings for the next 20 years.
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Re: Defeated Jihadists Still Defiant


Post by CHEEZY17 »

Donny would be the only potus I could ever see giving the ok for that with Zero fucks given. :lol:
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Re: Defeated Jihadists Still Defiant


Post by Charliesheen »

VinceBordenIII wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2019 6:29 pm Smartest thing you could do would be to expel all outsiders, herd them together, and off them. Because that is inhumane, some people are going to be killed in bombings for the next 20 years.

Bombings in perpetuity. Think Jurassic park and how man and dinosaurs can never live together.
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