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Stapes wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:42 pm
Anyone who thinks getting a vaccine and getting into a car wreck are equal in potential death/injury is a fucking retard.
Many years ago an internal memo of a car manufacturing plant leaked, it revealed that when a critical component in a vehicle is faulty the only way a recall is set is if it cost less than the potential lawsuits that malfunction will prompt.
Drug makers have similar processes and protections. Its happened time and time again where some pharma-tech co is fined hundreds of millions after they profited tens of billions from a drug that killed people. A drug they knew before hand was more dangerous than good.
The core difference: Car manufacturers have MUCH less protections than big pharma.
What the fuck? We are talking about being in a car wreck and now your switching to faulty vehicles from the manufacturer? What???? Dude......regroup.....come back another time
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:59 pm
AH doesn't know how statistics work.
It seems pretty clear you righties have no idea about risk assessment.
Anyone who thinks taking a vaccine is even remotely as risky as driving a car is clearly retarded. And apologies to retards.
So, tell me stupid. What would you guess your odds are of being injured in a car crash if you decided right this minute to drive to the nearest store and get something to eat and then drive home.? Just an estimate. And try not to be as stupid and do what AH did and say 1 in 103.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:59 pm
AH doesn't know how statistics work.
It seems pretty clear you righties have no idea about risk assessment.
Anyone who thinks taking a vaccine is even remotely as risky as driving a car is clearly retarded. And apologies to retards.
So, tell me stupid. What would you guess your odds are of being injured in a car crash if you decided right this minute to drive to the nearest store and get something to eat and then drive home.? Just an estimate. And try not to be as stupid and do what AH did and say 1 in 103.
Ahhhh....the old Flumper love to call people stupid but your just a lying weasle. Your original statement said nothing about your chances of getting into a car wreck if you go for a drive. YOUR STATEMENT was that your chance of getting INJURED IN A CAR WRECK was just about the same as having an adverse reaction from a vaccine..........spin away and go mow your lawn some more
Cassandros wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:53 pm
You don't think there is a gamble/bet when dealing with a vaccine?
there is a gamble with everything. there's a gamble that you would be killed in a car crash going to get lunch. Your brain does the math subconsciously every time you venture out of your home and determines if the risk is worth the reward. I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:59 pm
AH doesn't know how statistics work.
It seems pretty clear you righties have no idea about risk assessment.
Anyone who thinks taking a vaccine is even remotely as risky as driving a car is clearly retarded. And apologies to retards.
So, tell me stupid. What would you guess your odds are of being injured in a car crash if you decided right this minute to drive to the nearest store and get something to eat and then drive home.? Just an estimate. And try not to be as stupid and do what AH did and say 1 in 103.
Ahhhh....the old Flumper love to call people stupid but your just a lying weasle. Your original statement said nothing about your chances of getting into a car wreck if you go for a drive. YOUR STATEMENT was that your chance of getting INJURED IN A CAR WRECK was just about the same as having an adverse reaction from a vaccine..........spin away and go mow your lawn some more
Cassandros wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:53 pm
You don't think there is a gamble/bet when dealing with a vaccine?
there is a gamble with everything. there's a gamble that you would be killed in a car crash going to get lunch. Your brain does the math subconsciously every time you venture out of your home and determines if the risk is worth the reward. I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:59 pm
AH doesn't know how statistics work.
It seems pretty clear you righties have no idea about risk assessment.
Anyone who thinks taking a vaccine is even remotely as risky as driving a car is clearly retarded. And apologies to retards.
So, tell me stupid. What would you guess your odds are of being injured in a car crash if you decided right this minute to drive to the nearest store and get something to eat and then drive home.? Just an estimate. And try not to be as stupid and do what AH did and say 1 in 103.
Ahhhh....the old Flumper love to call people stupid but your just a lying weasle. Your original statement said nothing about your chances of getting into a car wreck if you go for a drive. YOUR STATEMENT was that your chance of getting INJURED IN A CAR WRECK was just about the same as having an adverse reaction from a vaccine..........spin away and go mow your lawn some more
Cassandros wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:53 pm
You don't think there is a gamble/bet when dealing with a vaccine?
there is a gamble with everything. there's a gamble that you would be killed in a car crash going to get lunch. Your brain does the math subconsciously every time you venture out of your home and determines if the risk is worth the reward. I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
look, you fucking dumbass. Read what I wrote.
You don't get to cherry pick you fucking weasel.....OWN YOUR WORDS!!! Your whole fucking state is full of bullshitters
My statement was in regards to your odds of being killed in a car wreck going to get lunch. Obviously its not 1 in 103 or everyone would be dead by now. Sure, the odds might be 1 in 103 that you might die at some point in your entire life after getting into a car millions of times and going for drives. But the odds of going to lunch are probably closer to 1 in a million. Or slimmer than that.
my entire point of that was to say that because the odds of a bad event occurring when you get in your car to go to lunch, your brain doesn't even ring a bell in your head that you are putting yourself in any risk.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:27 pm
My statement was in regards to your odds of being killed in a car wreck going to get lunch. Obviously its not 1 in 103 or everyone would be dead by now. Sure, the odds might be 1 in 103 that you might die at some point in your entire life after getting into a car millions of times and going for drives. But the odds of going to lunch are probably closer to 1 in a million. Or slimmer than that.
my entire point of that was to say that because the odds of a bad event occurring when you get in your car to go to lunch, your brain doesn't even ring a bell in your head that you are putting yourself in any risk.
This is the only relevant your I MEANT, MY POINT, WOULDA FUCKING COULDA
I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:27 pm
My statement was in regards to your odds of being killed in a car wreck going to get lunch. Obviously its not 1 in 103 or everyone would be dead by now. Sure, the odds might be 1 in 103 that you might die at some point in your entire life after getting into a car millions of times and going for drives. But the odds of going to lunch are probably closer to 1 in a million. Or slimmer than that.
my entire point of that was to say that because the odds of a bad event occurring when you get in your car to go to lunch, your brain doesn't even ring a bell in your head that you are putting yourself in any risk.
This is the only relevant your I MEANT, MY POINT, WOULDA FUCKING COULDA
I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
And, I will ask one more fucking time. If you get in your car right now and drive somewhere to get some lunch, what do you estimate your odds of dying are?
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:27 pm
My statement was in regards to your odds of being killed in a car wreck going to get lunch. Obviously its not 1 in 103 or everyone would be dead by now. Sure, the odds might be 1 in 103 that you might die at some point in your entire life after getting into a car millions of times and going for drives. But the odds of going to lunch are probably closer to 1 in a million. Or slimmer than that.
my entire point of that was to say that because the odds of a bad event occurring when you get in your car to go to lunch, your brain doesn't even ring a bell in your head that you are putting yourself in any risk.
This is the only relevant your I MEANT, MY POINT, WOULDA FUCKING COULDA
I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
And, I will ask one more fucking time. If you get in your car right now and drive somewhere to get some lunch, what do you estimate your odds of dying are?
just keep trying to change the subject.....this is why you aren't can't admit you were wrong.
Send me your address.....I want to send you a Christmas present
and if your brain is too fucking rotted from the political cesspool you live in, then I am PRO vaccinations. They DO NOT scare me. I recently got a flu shot. And a shingles vaccine. And I will get the covid vaccine the first day its available to me.
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:39 pm
and if your brain is too fucking rotted from the political cesspool you live in, then I am PRO vaccinations. They DO NOT scare me. I recently got a flu shot. And a shingles vaccine. And I will get the covid vaccine the first day its available to me.
no bearing on the subject at hand. Your pro or anti vaccine stance is irrelevant.
Stapes wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:38 pm
just keep trying to change the subject.....this is why you aren't can't admit you were wrong.
Send me your address.....I want to send you a Christmas present
what in the literal fuck subject am I trying to change? I have asked you a very simple question. Just answer it, dumbass.
This is the only relevant your I MEANT, MY POINT, WOULDA FUCKING COULDA
I'm not sure how the odds of being injured in a car wreck measure up against the odds of having some bad damage from a vaccine. My subconscious tells me they are similar odds.
and I will say this again. I would GUESS that the odds of me dying going to lunch would be similar to my odds of dying from a vaccine.
Now, point out in that sentence where any subject has been changed or goalposts or projection or whatever retarded word you water headed nut jobs use to banter back and forth.
“The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither, the society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great deal of both.” --Milton Friedman
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:43 pm
and I will say this again. I would GUESS that the odds of me dying going to lunch would be similar to my odds of dying from a vaccine.
Now, point out in that sentence where any subject has been changed or goalposts or projection or whatever retarded word you water headed nut jobs use to banter back and forth.
You pathetic weasle... None of those words were part of your original statement...... you're literally just made that up.... Lol
Fuck me I'm done I'm going to go have some dinner go fuc yourself
Animal wrote: ↑Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:43 pm
and I will say this again. I would GUESS that the odds of me dying going to lunch would be similar to my odds of dying from a vaccine.
Now, point out in that sentence where any subject has been changed or goalposts or projection or whatever retarded word you water headed nut jobs use to banter back and forth.
You pathetic weasle... None of those words were part of your original statement...... you're literally just made that up.... Lol
Fuck me I'm done I'm going to go have some dinner go fuc yourself
if you drive to dinner, i would guess your odds of dying in a car wreck are at least 1 in a million. or slimmer.
Stapes wrote: ↑Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:37 pm
If you think a viable and effective vaccine is going to be ready for distribution by Nov. 1 YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!!! lol However I highly encourage you dupes to be first in line when it gets rushed out.
You do know that the vaccine is currently being produced in anticipation of approval, right?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Stapes wrote: ↑Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:37 pm
If you think a viable and effective vaccine is going to be ready for distribution by Nov. 1 YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!!! lol However I highly encourage you dupes to be first in line when it gets rushed out.
You do know that the vaccine is currently being produced in anticipation of approval, right?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Stapes wrote: ↑Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:37 pm
If you think a viable and effective vaccine is going to be ready for distribution by Nov. 1 YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!!! lol However I highly encourage you dupes to be first in line when it gets rushed out.
You do know that the vaccine is currently being produced in anticipation of approval, right?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Is the public getting it yet dupe?
yes. they are. my friend's daughter-in-law got it a week ago. his son about the same time. another friend's daughter got it a couple of days ago. what fucking planet do you live on?
Stapes wrote: ↑Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:37 pm
If you think a viable and effective vaccine is going to be ready for distribution by Nov. 1 YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!!! lol However I highly encourage you dupes to be first in line when it gets rushed out.
You do know that the vaccine is currently being produced in anticipation of approval, right?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Is the public getting it yet dupe?
yes. they are. my friend's daughter-in-law got it a week ago. his son about the same time. another friend's daughter got it a couple of days ago. what fucking planet do you live on?
Are they medical workers or Over 75? Otherwise they are jumping the fucking line
Animal wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:48 pm
Now they are reporting that it might be here in late October. Finally, good news on most outlets!! Our number of infections are almost down to zero, schools are opening. High school football for the smaller schools started last week. Colleges are open.
You do know that the vaccine is currently being produced in anticipation of approval, right?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Is the public getting it yet dupe?
yes. they are. my friend's daughter-in-law got it a week ago. his son about the same time. another friend's daughter got it a couple of days ago. what fucking planet do you live on?
Are they medical workers or Over 75? Otherwise they are jumping the fucking line
you don't consider medical workers members of the public?
Your fucking retarded, you know that right? lol They aren't even through Phase 3 testing on these vaccines yet. Then it takes months for it to be ready for widespread distribution. There isn't going to be any vaccines available for the public until 2021 you fake fucking democrat.
by the way, Stapes hopes all of the dupes get in line first. . Wow, is it already 2021?
Is the public getting it yet dupe?
yes. they are. my friend's daughter-in-law got it a week ago. his son about the same time. another friend's daughter got it a couple of days ago. what fucking planet do you live on?
Are they medical workers or Over 75? Otherwise they are jumping the fucking line
you don't consider medical workers members of the public?