Cell Towers Causing Cancer?

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Cell Towers Causing Cancer?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Here’s the real question: if it was found that cellphone technology was causing a huge uptick in cancer amongst kids, do you think America would take immediate, draconian steps to eliminate the threat? I don’t.
Parents in Ripon, California say a cell phone tower in a local schoolyard is to blame for the cancer diagnoses of four students in the last three years.

The tower, which is located at Weston Elementary, is the same as others scattered throughout the town. However, one parent told CBS Sacramento that its proximity to her son led to his 2017 brain cancer diagnosis.

“We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” Monica Ferrulli said in an interview. “It’s indescribable, it’s really tough.”
https://www.newsweek.com/can-cell-phone ... en-1362314
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Re: Cell Towers Causing Cancer?


Post by AnalHamster »

Nope. Actually very simple to prove since there are so many cell towers - if they were cancer sticks then we'd be seeing cancer clusters around lots of them, and we don't. Simples. You wouldn't actually expect it to cause cancer because the radiation involved, RF, isn't energetic enough to break DNA bonds which is how cancer causing radiation causes cancer and it has a wavelength too long to focus in a cell.

Anyway, cancer is a zionist plot.
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