The vaccines have failed (Was: The vaccines are failing)

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The vaccines have failed (Was: The vaccines are failing)


Post by Biker »

Just 4 months ago, they released this study
Pfizer-BioNTech Report First Long-Term Study Results for COVID-19 Vaccine

On April 1, Pfizer-BioNTech released results from the longest study yet of their COVID-19 vaccine.

In a release, the companies reported that their two-dose vaccine was 91.3% efficacious in protecting people from COVID-19 disease for up to six months. The companies’ previous data, which led to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization, included an average of two months of follow up of the study participants and showed 95% efficacy against the disease.

The longer-term data will form the basis of Pfizer-BioNTech’s planned request to the FDA for formal approval of the vaccine soon.

“It is an important step to further confirm the strong efficacy and good safety data we have seen so far, especially in a longer-term follow-up,” said Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, of the results.

The data, involving nearly 12,000 people who have been followed for at least six months after vaccination, also showed the two-dose shot was 100% efficacious in protecting them from severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (which means any disease requiring hospitalization, intensive care or a ventilator) and 95% efficacious in protecting against severe disease by the FDA’s broader definition, which includes any respiratory distress or shortness of breath at rest, or oxygen saturation below 93%.

The companies also reported encouraging results on the vaccine’s ability to protect against the worrisome viral variant B.1.351, which was first identified in South Africa in late 2020. The variant virus can spread more quickly among people and can’t be blocked by several of the antibody drugs developed to treat COVID-19 infection. Previous studies by the companies showed that antibodies generated by vaccinated people against this particular strain of the virus were several-fold lower than those mounted against the non-mutant virus, but still sufficient to adequately protect people from COVID-19. The release did not specify if the data from the 800 participants in South Africa was collected mostly before or after the variant began circulating, but noted that there were no cases of COVID-19 disease reported among the vaccinated, and nine cases among the placebo group. Researchers sequenced the virus from these patients and six of the nine belonged to the variant strain. The findings support the companies’ position that the vaccine remains effective against the variant.
But now....
U.S. to Advise Boosters for Most Americans 8 Months After Vaccination

Nursing home residents and health care workers will most likely be the first to get booster shots, as soon as September, followed by other older people who were vaccinated last winter.

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration has decided that most Americans should get a coronavirus booster vaccination eight months after they received their second shot, and could begin offering third shots as early as mid-September, according to administration officials familiar with the discussions.

Officials are planning to announce the decision as early as this week. Their goal is to let Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines know now that they will need additional protection against the Delta variant that is causing caseloads to surge across much of the nation. The new policy will depend on the Food and Drug Administration’s authorization of additional shots.

Officials said they expect that recipients of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was authorized as a one-dose regimen, will also require an additional dose. But they are waiting for the results of that firm’s two-dose clinical trial, expected later this month.

The first boosters are likely to go to nursing home residents, health care workers and emergency workers. They would probably be followed by other older people who were near the front of the line when vaccinations began late last year, then by the general population. Officials envision giving people the same vaccine they originally received.

The decision comes as the Biden administration is struggling to regain control of a pandemic that it had claimed to have tamed little more than a month ago. President Biden had declared the nation reopened for normal life for the July 4 holiday, but the wildfire spread of the Delta variant has thwarted that. Covid-19 patients are again overwhelming hospitals in some states, and federal officials are worried about an increase in the number of children hospitalized just as the school year is set to begin.
Hard to defend the 'science'
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

Needs to step away from the keyboard.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by theclap »

Your immune system will soon be on a subscription basis.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

7 fully vaccinated Florida COVID-19 patients die in what doctors say is extremely rare situation

OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. (WESH) — Patricia Seemann runs her own medical practice in St. Cloud, providing health care services to homebound patients.

She said, up until two weeks ago, she was able to successfully treat every patient who contracted COVID-19. But, since then, she said seven fully vaccinated patients died from complications, such as pneumonia or stroke, caused by the virus.

Florida hospital ‘stacking patients in hallways,’ report says
“They were all fully vaccinated, which was disturbing… For one, I got to the hospital, the initial report, he was doing well. 2 liters of oxygen, sitting up, good saturation rate, crashed in 72 hours and died,” Seemann said.

She said the vaccine isn’t 100 percent effective and there is a 4 percent chance of failure, but she still recommends it.

“We explain when I give the vaccine, ‘Look, this is not 100%, but in life, you have to give yourself the best possible odds,” Seemann said.

5K+ Hillsborough Co. students in quarantine/isolation, emergency meeting called
She also recommends continuing to properly wear a mask, washing your hands and making sure you don’t pick up droplets from other people.

She especially recommends these tasks for those 65-and-older or with underlying health conditions.

Dr. Aftab Khan, an internal medicine physician, said, despite these seven cases, dying from COVID-19 while fully vaccinated is rare.

“Out of 6,500 patients, only 0.004 percent people were hospitalized and only a very small fraction of people, 0.001 percent people died who were fully vaccinated,” Khan said.

When it comes to breakthrough cases, 44 percent of them occur in people who are immunocompromised, he said.

“We’re all in this together and we need to stick together as a community to educate and focus on prevention and focus on protecting the elderly,” Seemann said.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

Vaccines’ protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released three studies on Wednesday that federal officials said provided evidence that booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines would be needed by all Americans in the coming months.

But some experts said the new research did not support the decision to recommend booster shots for all Americans.

Taken together, the studies show that although the vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations, the bulwark they provide against infection with the virus has weakened in the past few months.

It’s unclear whether the decline in protection against infection is the result of waning immunity, a drop in precautions like wearing masks, or the rise of the highly contagious Delta variant — or a combination of all three.

“We are concerned that this pattern of decline we are seeing will continue in the months ahead, which could lead to reduced protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, said at a White House news briefing on Wednesday.

Citing the data, federal health officials outlined a plan for Americans who received the two vaccines to get booster shots eight months after receiving their second doses, starting Sept. 20.

Some scientists were deeply skeptical of the new plan.

“These data support giving additional doses of vaccine to highly immunocompromised persons and nursing home residents, not to the general public,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center and a former adviser on the pandemic to the administration.

Boosters would only be warranted if the vaccines were failing to prevent people from ending up hospitalized with Covid-19, she said.

“Feeling sick like a dog and laid up in bed, but not in the hospital with severe Covid, is not a good enough reason,” Dr. Gounder said. “We’ll be better protected by vaccinating the unvaccinated here and around the world.”

It’s unclear whether a third dose would help people who did not produce a robust response to the first two doses, said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The recommendation for boosters may also end up undermining confidence in vaccines, he warned: “A third shot will add to skepticism among people yet to receive one dose that the vaccines help them.”

Together, the new studies indicate overall that vaccines have an effectiveness of roughly 55 percent against infections, 80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Stapes »

Biker wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:59 pm
Vaccines’ protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released three studies on Wednesday that federal officials said provided evidence that booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines would be needed by all Americans in the coming months.

But some experts said the new research did not support the decision to recommend booster shots for all Americans.

Taken together, the studies show that although the vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations, the bulwark they provide against infection with the virus has weakened in the past few months.

It’s unclear whether the decline in protection against infection is the result of waning immunity, a drop in precautions like wearing masks, or the rise of the highly contagious Delta variant — or a combination of all three.

“We are concerned that this pattern of decline we are seeing will continue in the months ahead, which could lead to reduced protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, said at a White House news briefing on Wednesday.

Citing the data, federal health officials outlined a plan for Americans who received the two vaccines to get booster shots eight months after receiving their second doses, starting Sept. 20.

Some scientists were deeply skeptical of the new plan.

“These data support giving additional doses of vaccine to highly immunocompromised persons and nursing home residents, not to the general public,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center and a former adviser on the pandemic to the administration.

Boosters would only be warranted if the vaccines were failing to prevent people from ending up hospitalized with Covid-19, she said.

“Feeling sick like a dog and laid up in bed, but not in the hospital with severe Covid, is not a good enough reason,” Dr. Gounder said. “We’ll be better protected by vaccinating the unvaccinated here and around the world.”

It’s unclear whether a third dose would help people who did not produce a robust response to the first two doses, said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The recommendation for boosters may also end up undermining confidence in vaccines, he warned: “A third shot will add to skepticism among people yet to receive one dose that the vaccines help them.”

Together, the new studies indicate overall that vaccines have an effectiveness of roughly 55 percent against infections, 80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University.

So???? What exactly is your point? Staying out of the hospital and not dying seems pretty effective to me.

80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by necronomous »

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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

Stapes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:38 pm
Biker wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:59 pm
Vaccines’ protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released three studies on Wednesday that federal officials said provided evidence that booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines would be needed by all Americans in the coming months.

But some experts said the new research did not support the decision to recommend booster shots for all Americans.

Taken together, the studies show that although the vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations, the bulwark they provide against infection with the virus has weakened in the past few months.

It’s unclear whether the decline in protection against infection is the result of waning immunity, a drop in precautions like wearing masks, or the rise of the highly contagious Delta variant — or a combination of all three.

“We are concerned that this pattern of decline we are seeing will continue in the months ahead, which could lead to reduced protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, said at a White House news briefing on Wednesday.

Citing the data, federal health officials outlined a plan for Americans who received the two vaccines to get booster shots eight months after receiving their second doses, starting Sept. 20.

Some scientists were deeply skeptical of the new plan.

“These data support giving additional doses of vaccine to highly immunocompromised persons and nursing home residents, not to the general public,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center and a former adviser on the pandemic to the administration.

Boosters would only be warranted if the vaccines were failing to prevent people from ending up hospitalized with Covid-19, she said.

“Feeling sick like a dog and laid up in bed, but not in the hospital with severe Covid, is not a good enough reason,” Dr. Gounder said. “We’ll be better protected by vaccinating the unvaccinated here and around the world.”

It’s unclear whether a third dose would help people who did not produce a robust response to the first two doses, said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The recommendation for boosters may also end up undermining confidence in vaccines, he warned: “A third shot will add to skepticism among people yet to receive one dose that the vaccines help them.”

Together, the new studies indicate overall that vaccines have an effectiveness of roughly 55 percent against infections, 80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University.

So???? What exactly is your point? Staying out of the hospital and not dying seems pretty effective to me.

80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University
A mere three months ago they proudly crowed that the vaccines have long lasting, perhaps years of effectiveness. Now, welp, maybe not. WTF changed and why are they just now knowing about it? The first human trial injections occurred last May, with dose two in June. By the time they got around to February, when I jumped the line :lol: , they shouldve known this. Yet, it was hidden.

But please, you continue to believe every goddamn thing they say without question.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Stapes »

Biker wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:51 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:38 pm
Biker wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:59 pm
Vaccines’ protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released three studies on Wednesday that federal officials said provided evidence that booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines would be needed by all Americans in the coming months.

But some experts said the new research did not support the decision to recommend booster shots for all Americans.

Taken together, the studies show that although the vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations, the bulwark they provide against infection with the virus has weakened in the past few months.

It’s unclear whether the decline in protection against infection is the result of waning immunity, a drop in precautions like wearing masks, or the rise of the highly contagious Delta variant — or a combination of all three.

“We are concerned that this pattern of decline we are seeing will continue in the months ahead, which could lead to reduced protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, said at a White House news briefing on Wednesday.

Citing the data, federal health officials outlined a plan for Americans who received the two vaccines to get booster shots eight months after receiving their second doses, starting Sept. 20.

Some scientists were deeply skeptical of the new plan.

“These data support giving additional doses of vaccine to highly immunocompromised persons and nursing home residents, not to the general public,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center and a former adviser on the pandemic to the administration.

Boosters would only be warranted if the vaccines were failing to prevent people from ending up hospitalized with Covid-19, she said.

“Feeling sick like a dog and laid up in bed, but not in the hospital with severe Covid, is not a good enough reason,” Dr. Gounder said. “We’ll be better protected by vaccinating the unvaccinated here and around the world.”

It’s unclear whether a third dose would help people who did not produce a robust response to the first two doses, said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The recommendation for boosters may also end up undermining confidence in vaccines, he warned: “A third shot will add to skepticism among people yet to receive one dose that the vaccines help them.”

Together, the new studies indicate overall that vaccines have an effectiveness of roughly 55 percent against infections, 80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University.

So???? What exactly is your point? Staying out of the hospital and not dying seems pretty effective to me.

80 percent against symptomatic infection, and 90 percent or higher against hospitalization, noted Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University
A mere three months ago they proudly crowed that the vaccines have long lasting, perhaps years of effectiveness. Now, welp, maybe not. WTF changed and why are they just now knowing about it? The first human trial injections occurred last May, with dose two in June. By the time they got around to February, when I jumped the line :lol: , they shouldve known this. Yet, it was hidden.

But please, you continue to believe every goddamn thing they say without question.
What changed? The Delta variant.

and I dont remember anything being written in stone about how long the vaccine would be effective. Every actual Scientist I read that as time goes on and more Data is available they would have more answers. You're the one who thinks they should know everything about a novel virus like Nostredomus.
I blame Biker.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

The vaccines actually are effective against delta. Most fatalities moving forward will be stupid people who deserve to die.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:00 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
Show some evidence for the claim 'increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early' or admit you got duped again, dupe.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:14 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:00 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
Show some evidence for the claim 'increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early' or admit you got duped again, dupe.
She literally said it

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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:23 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:14 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:00 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
Show some evidence for the claim 'increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early' or admit you got duped again, dupe.
She literally said it

Do you think the risk is higher in the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?

Do you think perhaps the very simple and unambigous answer to that is why you are being fed such a brief contextless snippet? Do you think perhaps this is intended to fool dimwits like you?

Perhaps you'd like to pretend that you meant 'the risk to vaccinated people is higher from the new variant, but still far lower than the risk to unvaccinated people'? You'd be lying of course, but it would save some time.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:09 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:23 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:14 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:00 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
Show some evidence for the claim 'increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early' or admit you got duped again, dupe.
She literally said it

Do you think the risk is higher in the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?

Do you think perhaps the very simple and unambigous answer to that is why you are being fed such a brief contextless snippet? Do you think perhaps this is intended to fool dimwits like you?

Perhaps you'd like to pretend that you meant 'the risk to vaccinated people is higher from the new variant, but still far lower than the risk to unvaccinated people'? You'd be lying of course, but it would save some time.
Are the vaccines less effective than we were sold?
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:19 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:09 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:23 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:14 pm
Biker wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:00 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:44 pm I see biker is still getting duped by everything on the internets.
The reports from Israel have been consistently bad
Show some evidence for the claim 'increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early' or admit you got duped again, dupe.
She literally said it

Do you think the risk is higher in the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?

Do you think perhaps the very simple and unambigous answer to that is why you are being fed such a brief contextless snippet? Do you think perhaps this is intended to fool dimwits like you?

Perhaps you'd like to pretend that you meant 'the risk to vaccinated people is higher from the new variant, but still far lower than the risk to unvaccinated people'? You'd be lying of course, but it would save some time.
Are the vaccines less effective than we were sold?
Against some new variants that arose after the vaccines were made, sure. They are still effective against them though, and far better than no vaccine.

Going to man up and answer the questions I asked you now, you pussy?
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

Yes, I’d rather be vaccinated than unvaccinated. But the point is, the vaccines were sold as 100% effective against death and major illness. That, as we now know, is not the case
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Biker wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:21 pm Yes, I’d rather be vaccinated than unvaccinated. But the point is, the vaccines were sold as 100% effective against death and major illness. That, as we now know, is not the case
No they weren't.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by Biker »

AnalHamster wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:36 pm
Biker wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:21 pm Yes, I’d rather be vaccinated than unvaccinated. But the point is, the vaccines were sold as 100% effective against death and major illness. That, as we now know, is not the case
No they weren't.
Horseshit. They were sold to be 100% effective against severe illness and death. That is not the case
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Re: The vaccines are failing


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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Biker wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:44 pm
AnalHamster wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:36 pm
Biker wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:21 pm Yes, I’d rather be vaccinated than unvaccinated. But the point is, the vaccines were sold as 100% effective against death and major illness. That, as we now know, is not the case
No they weren't.
Horseshit. They were sold to be 100% effective against severe illness and death. That is not the case
Perhaps you are confusing a facebook meme with reality again? No vaccine is 100% effective, no vaccine is sold as 100% effective.

Do please feel free to show your evidence though. Any time.
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Re: The vaccines are failing


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Re: The vaccines are failing


Post by AnalHamster »

Have you ever considered reading what you post? It really might help you understand things.
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