Chuck woolery died, wasn't it love connection "we'll be back in 2 and 2" ? And don't forget all the gold he has invested in.
@ serious sad notes, talked to Billings and he has cancer he changed the subject pretty quick so I didn't press it, a girl that knows him, that girl is actually back alley sally, I had sex with her years ago and she said she was going to tell her fiance all about it when he got out of prison, at that time he was my friend but years ago he became my next door neighbor, none other than Big Ray, who my doll in the Big Ray game I invented is patterned after. But all that turned out to be bullshit, Ray said he went out with her twice and while he was in prison he heard she's telling everyone she's engaged. She said it was colon or rectal but his mom told her about it 3 or 4 months ago but the other night is when he first told me.
Then sadder note "kidney boy" (a.k.a. goiter boy) kevin carl passed away from cancer at 60. He only had one kidney, I don't know if it was that way from birth but he was a pretty small kid and he came to our school around 5th grade, he got picked on and they had an assembly and said he only has one kidney and that's why he's small. A couple years after that a pretty hot chick moved in next to him and she must have felt sorry for him or something but she made out with him and let him finger her. He would tell me, more thank me for the greatest night of his life, I took him to an AC/DC concert on his birthday. The best one though...he tried like hell when partying but he just couldn't handle his drinking, he got drunk pretty easy. So a group of us are in a bar and he passed out at the table. So the rest of us just continued to party.Manager came over, "he can't sleep in here" so one of the guys in the group said he'd carry him out to his car because he was leaving. So about 10 minutes later manager comes back "that guy that passed out is on the hood of someone's car and they want to leave, so we went out and got him and put him into the back of his car to sleep it off. With him there weren't any dull moments. I called him a year or 2 ago, had a couple of nugent tickets but he was just getting over flu (or something, as he put it) so he just wasn't up for the 4 hour drive but I did get the chance to tell him how much fun we all had hanging out with him. Pretty cool dude, Big C got another one!
He won't be back in "2 and 2"
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