The Necro-Hammy Romance - aka Necro's epic dodge

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The Necro-Hammy Romance - aka Necro's epic dodge


Post by PopcornSutton »

The Democrat/Socialist Party has provided an undeniable history of activities that worked towards the destruction of America’s Constitutional Republic.

For more than half a century, the Democrat/Socialists organized and implemented a number of destructive strategies set forth by radical Leftist Saul Alinsky, the team of Cloward & Piven, Barack Hussein Obama, and Hillary Clinton, among others. Many of us are aware of the tactics and agenda behind the Democrat/Socialist movement. We are also aware of the many players, followers, operatives, agitators, government employees & officials, and politicians who are involved in the tactics and agenda of the Democrat/Socialist movement. Some of these people operate within the Deep State.

To deny that any of these individuals are involved in the Democrat/Socialist movement is to ignore factual evidence. Hillary Clinton wrote her 92-page college thesis, (“There Is Only The Fight”), on her admired Saul Alinsky. Barack Obama has not only studied Saul Alinsky, but has quoted him, worked for Alinsky-style organizations, and utilized his tactics during his career as a community organizer, political agitator, and politician. And then there is the track record of President Obama.

The goal of the Democrat/Socialist Party has been to overwhelm the Nation’s system to the point of destruction so that Socialism could be ushered in, then Communism. The Democrat/Socialist Party has one ultimate goal: to destroy American’s Constitutional Republic and replace our Republic with a radical form of government masquerading under the guise of ‘democracy.’
During the 1960s, when the Democrat/Socialist Party began its thrust forward, Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven wrote an article that “outlined a strategy to overload the system and create so much poverty that the United States would become a social-welfare state with economic and political power concentrated at the top with far fewer freedoms than we enjoy today.” (Source: “Is The Cloward-Piven Strategy Being Used To Destroy America?” by Steven Straub, TheFederalistPapers)

The Cloward-Piven strategy was to force political change through orchestrated crisis. David Horowitz wrote that the Cloward-Piven strategy “seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”

The 1966 Coward and Piven article spoke specifically of creating crisis:
“By crisis, we mean a publicly visible disruption in some institutional sphere. Crisis can occur spontaneously (e.g., riots) or as the intended result of tactics of demonstration and protest which either generate institutional disruption or bring unrecognized disruption to public attention.”

When the Cloward-Piven strategy was first implemented in 1966, New York City became the first target. NYC had a new, Liberal Mayor, John Lindsay – an easy-to-manipulate politician.

Thus, a Welfare Rights Movement was born. New York City’s poor were used to carry the banners for the Democrat/Socialist Party, so that those who were on welfare, and those who COULD be on welfare, made demands of their City. With promises of ‘free stuff for all’ – including a guaranteed annual income, it wasn’t difficult to organize protests and marches. As demands and upheavals increased, the Movement grew more violent.

During this Movement, black militants marched into City Hall carrying signs saying “No Money, No Peace.” The City relented and gave in to the demands of the agitators. As a result, the number of people on welfare grew rapidly, by 50% each year. During Mayor Lindsay’s first term of office, welfare spending in New York City more than doubled, from $400 million to $1 billion annually. Outlays for the poor consumed 28% of the city’s budget by 1970. (Source: “Cloward-Piven Strategy”, DiscoverTheNetworks)

In 1975, New York City filed for bankruptcy, unable to meet the financial needs of welfare recipients.
The Cloward-Piven strategy worked.

As welfare benefits increased across the Nation (and taxes increased to pay for all the ‘free stuff’), there was national backlash. In New York City, during Rudy Giuliani’s Mayoral term, Mayor Giuliani began to expose the Cloward-Piven movement – he called them out, by name, citing their 1966 Manifesto as evidence that they had engaged in deliberate economic sabotage. “This wasn’t an accident,” Giuliani charged in a July 20, 1998 speech. “It wasn’t an atmospheric thing, it wasn’t supernatural. This is the result of policies and programs designed to have the maximum number of people get on welfare.”
In a January 2011 article in the Nation magazine, Frances Fox Piven would reflect upon the elements that had helped make the welfare-rights movement successful in the 1960s:
“Before people can mobilize for collective action, they have to develop a proud and angry identity and a set of claims that go with that identity. They have to go from being hurt and ashamed to being angry and indignant. Welfare moms in the 1960s did this by naming themselves ‘mothers’ instead of ‘recipients,'”
In the same 2011 article, Piven noted that “protesters need targets, preferably local and accessible ones capable of making some kind of response to angry demands.” (Source: ibid)

By the middle of the 1970s, the Cloward-Piven movement shifted to their next target: VOTING RIGHTS.
A December 1982 article titled, “A Movement Strategy to Transform the Democratic Party,” published in the left-wing journal Social Policy Cloward and Piven laid out their agenda. They would change the voting system, and President Bill Clinton signed the Motor Votor Bill with both Cloward and Piven standing directly behind Clinton when he did.

The Motor Voter Bill (aka the National Votor Registration Act of 1993) is tied in with the registration of State Drivers Licenses. Now that some states are allowing illegal aliens to drive, will the Motor Voter Bill grant permission for illegals to vote???

But the Cloward and Piven movements were masks for their true agenda: the destruction of America’s Constitutional Republic. Cloward and Piven believed that in order to create radical change, the system must be overwhelmed. Cloward and Piven also believed the poor did not need welfare checks and ballots. The poor needed revolution.

So have we arrived? Are there enough poor people, enough voters in the Democrat/Socialist Party to continue to overwhelm the system? And to revolt?

The Voting Rights movement lingered for decades. This movement led to the founding of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). ACORN, a now dissolved organization, was a radical Leftist organization and they were involved in voting ‘rights’, election fraud, and illegal immigration. ACORN served as an umbrella organization for lobbying organizations and general agitation-politics. The organization was one of the first exposes of James O’Keefe – his expose laid some of the groundwork for nationalized attention to the corruption and conspiracies involving ACORN and many Chicago radicals, including Barack Hussein Obama and his numerous radical associates who helped to educate or train or steer him (Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Bernardine Dohrn, George Wiley, Frank Marshall Davis, Wade Rathke, and George Soros, among others). Before ACORN was dissolved, and before Obama was briefly a Senator, Obama was an attorney for ACORN in several lawsuits (ie sub-prime predatory loans).

“I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career (emphasis added). Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.” - Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007 (Courtesy Newsmax.)

When Barack Hussein Obama became President, he stated that he would ‘fundamentally transform’ America. A radical Leftist himself, Obama used his Executive powers to sign numerous Executive Orders to force quick changes, rather than going through traditional Congressional legislative processes. Obama used his training as a political organizer to push his Leftist agenda onto America. His Presidency and leadership created divisiveness across the Nation like no other – but that was part of the agenda.
President Obama was a Political Agitator like no other: class division, racial division, division created over religion, gender, and more – all part of the agitation-politics that Obama was trained for.

What we now have are the intentional makings for both a civil war and a revolution. The planning, and the events, are crafted by operatives within the Democrat/Socialist Movement. Some of these operatives are within the Deep State. Remember: CREATE CRISIS. OVERWHELM THE SYSTEM.

We have heightened divisiveness in an ‘us versus them’ strategy. We are watching provocations and verbal-war between political parties, oftentimes from politicians.
• Congresswoman Maxine Waters urged people to harass Trump staffers ( Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was accosted at a private family dinner in Virginia)
• Tim Kaine called for Democrats to "fight in the streets against Trump."
• An abortion activist threatened to rape Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) if she voted in favor of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
• A liberal teacher in Minnesota called for someone to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter. She later resigned.
• "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." – Tweet from Montel Williams

Then there are the violent acts against ‘us’
• Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) was shot by a leftist supporter of Bernie Sanders at Congressional baseball practice in 2017, and nearly died from his injuries.
• Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was attacked and severely injured by a Democrat neighbor while mowing his lawn. He suffered fractured ribs and pleural effusion. GQ magazine then suggested that he deserved it.
• Rep. Dave Kustoff (R-Tenn.), was run off the road by a violent leftist who was upset about healthcare.
• An anti-Trump hater from California attempted to stab a GOP congressional candidate.
• A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina was firebombed in 2016.
• An Army veteran was struck in the head at with a bike lock by an Antifa member at a pro-freedom rally in Rhode Island.
• A New York man was arrested and charged with making terrorist threats after threatening to kill a GOP congressman and Trump supporters.
• A member of Charlotte, North Carolina’s Antifa group pepper-sprayed a Trump supporter at a rally.

So have we arrived? Are there plans in place to continue to overwhelm the system? And to revolt?

We are witnessing the SECOND attempt at a coup d’etat against President Trump at this time. Simultaneously, Federal agencies and many national policies are under constant attack from all directions. But people (even you and I) who speak out against the Democrat/Socialist Party are castigated, threatened, ridiculed.

The Democrat/Socialist Movement wants to continue to create crisis. They want to overwhelm the system. Operatives within the Deep State are part of this ideology, part of the Coup against President Trump and our Constitutional Republic.

We have a major crisis at our Nation’s borders, yet legislation to protect America continues to be beaten down by Democrat/Socialist Judges. Illegal aliens flood into America. Illegals get driver's licenses, illegals get voter rights, illegals get welfare benefits, illegals overload the U.S. welfare system, illegals overload our public schools, illegals have overloaded our medical system. Illegals have killed American citizens with their criminal actions. And illegals keep Democrat/Socialists in office so they can continue to destroy our Constitutional Republic.

So have we arrived?

Would it be safer, nicer, and more politically correct to say these dangerous enemies to our Nation, these operatives within the Democrat/Socialist Movement have a goal of fundamental transformation of America, as Obama promised?
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by AnalHamster »

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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by Wut »

2008 called, they want their paranoia back.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by beagleboy »

I follow Abby Martin on Twitter and she's a really hot communist who has a lot of good ideas about freedom and justice.

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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

I would make Abby Martin fat with capitalist babies. Never heard of her before.
The rise of socialism in the US is tied to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s been a generation gone by since then. People forget.

When you think about it, we’re still dealing with the fallout of the unification of Germany in 1871.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

She’d be shopping for the perfect diaper caddy at Babies R Us.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Biker wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:55 pm Dont lump all of us Democrats into the left wing of the party.
The direction of the Democrat party (and nation) is clear. Without some outside shock, we will eventually be vassals of the state, I love to be buttfucked.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Biker wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:55 pm
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:50 pm
Biker wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:55 pm Dont lump all of us Democrats into the left wing of the party.
The direction of the Democrat party (and nation) is clear. Without some outside shock, we will eventually be vassals of the state, I love to be buttfucked.
Nah, I still believe Americans love capitalism
Nope, we are finished. You didn’t build that.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by Stapes »

As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by Stapes »

VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
I think there are career employees who are above petty politics and try to keep the ship afloat even when they are surrounded by presidential sycophants.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:03 pm
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
I think there are career employees who are above petty politics and try to keep the ship afloat even when they are surrounded by presidential sycophants.
So they do what they want, then? They send messages to each other about how they’ll stop trump being elected? Etc.?
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by Stapes »

VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:07 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:03 pm
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
I think there are career employees who are above petty politics and try to keep the ship afloat even when they are surrounded by presidential sycophants.
So they do what they want, then? They send messages to each other about how they’ll stop trump being elected? Etc.?
again with the conspiracy shit. I think it takes more than two people bullshitting each other in text messages to become a Deep State.

Do they hold meetings at the Catholic Church basement after the AA meetings or before the illuminati sharing group?
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by VinceBordenIII »

Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:11 pm
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:07 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:03 pm
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
I think there are career employees who are above petty politics and try to keep the ship afloat even when they are surrounded by presidential sycophants.
So they do what they want, then? They send messages to each other about how they’ll stop trump being elected? Etc.?
again with the conspiracy shit. I think it takes more than two people bullshitting each other in text messages to become a Deep State.

Do they hold meetings at the Catholic Church basement after the AA meetings or before the illuminati sharing group?
You’re being circular. They don’t have to meet. They are like minded people in powerful positions. They do what they think is right, though sometimes I’m sure they’d have to admit it’s political.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by Stapes »

The OP is stating that there is a collective known as the Deep State that are agitating for a Socialist takeover of the US government. I think it's a silly rabbit hole that nutters will sit in front of their computer screens for hours on end, chasing into and latching onto whatever and whoever will feed into the delusion. It doesn't exist.

I wont even use the word Democratic Socialist because they have hijacked the word and misrepresent its meaning.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by PopcornSutton »

Considering what has been going on the last number of years, there seems to be merit in what was written. Surprisingly, nobody has refuted any of the claims, which there are quite a few. Rather it appears things were dismissed instead of read.
Last edited by PopcornSutton on Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by CHEEZY17 »

The "Deep State" has been explained here numerous times. For some reason they just cant grasp its existence.

Its not a membership club. It doesnt have an elected leader or someone in charge. There are no weekly meetings for the dues paying members. What it is is this: "A deep state can also take the form of entrenched, career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests. The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security for its members, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives. It can also take the form of government-owned corporations or private companies that act independently of regulatory or governmental control."

I'm not sure why its so hard to think [admit] this exists in our behemoth bureaucracy.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by AnalHamster »

PopcornSutton wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:07 pm Considering what has been going on the last number of years, there seems to be merit in what was written. Surprisingly, nobody has refuted any of the claims, which there are quite a few. Rather it appears things were dismissed instead of read.
Yeah, you'll find people don't bother with the long dumb convoluted conspiracy theories. Try for pith.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by AnalHamster »

CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:05 am The "Deep State" has been explained here numerous times. For some reason they just cant grasp its existence.

Its not a membership club. It doesnt have an elected leader or someone in charge. There are no weekly meetings for the dues paying members. What it is is this: "A deep state can also take the form of entrenched, career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests. The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security for its members, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives. It can also take the form of government-owned corporations or private companies that act independently of regulatory or governmental control."

I'm not sure why its so hard to think [admit] this exists in our behemoth bureaucracy.
When the chumpers talk about the deep state they are typically referring to an imaginary secret society with meetings and planning executing a vast secret conspiracy, with 'operatives' like the whistleblower. Probably involving the Jews. It's a conspiracy theory rather than just the bureaucracy you refer to. The bureaucracy exists (that's why the government fuctions), the conspiracy does not.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by necronomous »

VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
Funny how they don't believe in the deep state "conspiracy" but believe the Russian collusion conspiracy. So yes they believe in such things, just not when it's bad for their side.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by CHEEZY17 »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:50 am
CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:05 am The "Deep State" has been explained here numerous times. For some reason they just cant grasp its existence.

Its not a membership club. It doesnt have an elected leader or someone in charge. There are no weekly meetings for the dues paying members. What it is is this: "A deep state can also take the form of entrenched, career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests. The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security for its members, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives. It can also take the form of government-owned corporations or private companies that act independently of regulatory or governmental control."

I'm not sure why its so hard to think [admit] this exists in our behemoth bureaucracy.
When the chumpers talk about the deep state they are typically referring to an imaginary secret society with meetings and planning executing a vast secret conspiracy, with 'operatives' like the whistleblower. Probably involving the Jews. It's a conspiracy theory rather than just the bureaucracy you refer to. The bureaucracy exists (that's why the government fuctions), the conspiracy does not.
There are any number of government workers who are openly a part of and proud of their "resistance". They are just regular people at their government job who maybe purposely dont process things as quickly as they should. Maybe they "lose" a critical piece of paperwork. Maybe they outright do or dont do a particular thing. Maybe they stonewall a meeting with someone. Maybe they purposely input data wrong so it has to be redone. Maybe they leak stories that are harmful to someone they dont like. Maybe they outright lie. Hell, I'm not even a government worker and I can think of a thousand ways to "resist". With a POTUS as deeply resented and hated as Donny, do you see why the above is not only possible but probable?
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by AnalHamster »

necronomous wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:20 am
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
Funny how they don't believe in the deep state "conspiracy" but believe the Russian collusion conspiracy. So yes they believe in such things, just not when it's bad for their side.
The russkies did interfere in your campaign, the trump campaign did collude with them in doing so. It's not a conspiracy if it's real. Would you like to go through some examples of the collusion?
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by AnalHamster »

CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:33 am
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:50 am
CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:05 am The "Deep State" has been explained here numerous times. For some reason they just cant grasp its existence.

Its not a membership club. It doesnt have an elected leader or someone in charge. There are no weekly meetings for the dues paying members. What it is is this: "A deep state can also take the form of entrenched, career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests. The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security for its members, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives. It can also take the form of government-owned corporations or private companies that act independently of regulatory or governmental control."

I'm not sure why its so hard to think [admit] this exists in our behemoth bureaucracy.
When the chumpers talk about the deep state they are typically referring to an imaginary secret society with meetings and planning executing a vast secret conspiracy, with 'operatives' like the whistleblower. Probably involving the Jews. It's a conspiracy theory rather than just the bureaucracy you refer to. The bureaucracy exists (that's why the government fuctions), the conspiracy does not.
There are any number of government workers who are openly a part of and proud of their "resistance". They are just regular people at their government job who maybe purposely dont process things as quickly as they should. Maybe they "lose" a critical piece of paperwork. Maybe they outright do or dont do a particular thing. Maybe they stonewall a meeting with someone. Maybe they purposely input data wrong so it has to be redone. Maybe they leak stories that are harmful to someone they dont like. Maybe they outright lie. Hell, I'm not even a government worker and I can think of a thousand ways to "resist". With a POTUS as deeply resented and hated as Donny, do you see why the above is not only possible but probable?
Did you read what you were replying to? Give it a try.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by CHEEZY17 »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:36 am
CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:33 am
AnalHamster wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:50 am
CHEEZY17 wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:05 am The "Deep State" has been explained here numerous times. For some reason they just cant grasp its existence.

Its not a membership club. It doesnt have an elected leader or someone in charge. There are no weekly meetings for the dues paying members. What it is is this: "A deep state can also take the form of entrenched, career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests. The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security for its members, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives. It can also take the form of government-owned corporations or private companies that act independently of regulatory or governmental control."

I'm not sure why its so hard to think [admit] this exists in our behemoth bureaucracy.
When the chumpers talk about the deep state they are typically referring to an imaginary secret society with meetings and planning executing a vast secret conspiracy, with 'operatives' like the whistleblower. Probably involving the Jews. It's a conspiracy theory rather than just the bureaucracy you refer to. The bureaucracy exists (that's why the government fuctions), the conspiracy does not.
There are any number of government workers who are openly a part of and proud of their "resistance". They are just regular people at their government job who maybe purposely dont process things as quickly as they should. Maybe they "lose" a critical piece of paperwork. Maybe they outright do or dont do a particular thing. Maybe they stonewall a meeting with someone. Maybe they purposely input data wrong so it has to be redone. Maybe they leak stories that are harmful to someone they dont like. Maybe they outright lie. Hell, I'm not even a government worker and I can think of a thousand ways to "resist". With a POTUS as deeply resented and hated as Donny, do you see why the above is not only possible but probable?
Did you read what you were replying to? Give it a try.
Yes. I think we're basically in agreement. I think where the disagreement starts is in your characterization that ALL Donny supporters think that there is a giant secret club that meets on Wednesday nights, changes the secret password and handshake every month to keep those dastardly Trumpers out and talks about the next great plan to can take down the POTUS.
While there may certainly be whackjobs who think that I think most people would lean towards the belief that the "Deep State", when it comes to Donny, is just career government folks, some higher up than others, doing whatever they can to hamper a POTUS they hate.
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Re: Democrat/Socialist Movement-Have We Arrived?


Post by necronomous »

AnalHamster wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:35 am
necronomous wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:20 am
VinceBordenIII wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:57 pm
Stapes wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:46 pm As soon as I read the words Deep State I know I'm reading fecal matter from the conspiracy latrines of 4chan. Fuck off
Do you think there are not entrenched bureaucrats in government and assorted NGOs and such who think they own and run the government? Do you not think senior FBI officials represent the deep state, ie, their own aims and interpretation of what should be?
That’s like saying lobbyists do not try to influence government, or special interests, or political parties. Of course they do. They don’t have to meet at Denny’s to conspire.
Funny how they don't believe in the deep state "conspiracy" but believe the Russian collusion conspiracy. So yes they believe in such things, just not when it's bad for their side.
The russkies did interfere in your campaign, the trump campaign did collude with them in doing so. It's not a conspiracy if it's real. Would you like to go through some examples of the collusion?
Lol. See.
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