Biker wrote: ↑Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:06 pm
Wut wrote: ↑Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:00 pm
I'm going to Jersey for a few days on Saturday, will I get Corona-Herpes by simply breathing the air?
Youre leaving Bermuda to head to that shithole in February? Da fuq is wrong with you?
First of all there isn't one account of the coronavirus here yet although I'm sure there will be.
Once again, you've displayed your ignorance Biker. Like I've tried to explain to you on numerous occasions making blanket statements like you just did is really stupid on your part & I thought you were intelligent enough to know better.
NJ has so many beautiful areas (like where I live, just 25 minutes from the appalachian trail and in some beautiful lush mountains & big blue lakes). There's a reason why NJ is one of the richest states in the country with one of highest salaries and one of the best educations. We're close to NYC, the NJ shore, we are diversified with possibly the best restaurants overall in the nation as well. NJ is lush and green, unlike drab Texas, for example. I don't know about all of Texas but I've been to Houston and Austin and wasn't impressed. That's why NJ & not Texas is known as the garden state.
Sure, it's expensive to live here and that's based on supply and demand. The cheapest housing are in bum fuck areas like Mississippi, West Virginia, and Arkansas. I'm sure there are nice places in all those places but next to NJ they're not as nice & much fewer and farther between. Do I want to live there? Fuck no.
What's funny is that my friend bragged to me one time about how much cheaper Florida housing is when he moved there about 10 years ago from NJ but he couldn't get a job paying more than 50k a year. With the salaries we have in NJ & if you just do simple math who cares if I'm paying like 6k a year more in taxes? LOL
Now, does NJ have some bad areas? Sure, just like virtually every other state in this country. And it's true, when my wife and I retire we might as well easily relocate to Florida and then benefit from the cheaper cost of living and taxes since we're no longer making the money we did in NJ. For now we'll continue to build our retirement nest egg by working & living in NJ & enjoy the beautiful amenities that this state has to offer.
Now, does that make sense to you or am I wrong?