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FSchmertz wrote: ↑Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:01 pm
Is the alternative "Orange Man Blameless" like he and his taint lickers proclaim?
Not at all. There are things we could have done better. There always are. And there are things the entire fucking world could have done better. The fact is this: it doesn't matter what Trump did; this was coming no matter what. Im just curious if guys like Stapes hold the leaders of every other country on earth similarly accountable.
And if Obama were president while this was happening I'm sure the right would be screaming "black man bad," so don't be so snowflakey.
Some people would be, sure. Looking at the spread throughout the world though any logical person had to ascertain that this was coming. So either every single leader in the entire world is as incompetent as Trump or they're all simply doing what they can.
He's the man in charge, the buck stops with him, so any perceived failure is his, that's how it works.
So now that Europe is considered the epicenter, is every one of those European leaders a failure?
Sorry, don't care, not our problem.
It's still not the epicenter though, Asian totals still far exceed European totals.
Hey, man those tumbleweeds are damn scary. Can achieve a top speed of 10 MPH. Before you know, you could be buried under 40 feet of tumbleweeds weighing maybe 5 pounds. Life threatening. You have no clue the personal dangers we face out here everyday.
Tumbleweeds, killer attack BBQ's Swat Teams. Sounds more dangerous than Newark, New Jersey.
Interestingly enough, they're not native to the Americas.
You do know the history of tumbleweeds and mesquites in the USA SW, right?
Hey, man those tumbleweeds are damn scary. Can achieve a top speed of 10 MPH. Before you know, you could be buried under 40 feet of tumbleweeds weighing maybe 5 pounds. Life threatening. You have no clue the personal dangers we face out here everyday.
Tumbleweeds, killer attack BBQ's Swat Teams. Sounds more dangerous than Newark, New Jersey.
Interestingly enough, they're not native to the Americas.
You do know the history of tumbleweeds and mesquites in the USA SW, right?
Kali tragus is native to Eurasia, but in the 1870s, it appeared in South Dakota when flaxseed from Russia turned out to be contaminated with Kali seeds. Although it is the best-known of this group of weeds, and was at first thought to be a single well-defined species, it now is known to have included more than one species plus some hybrids.
Anyway, not waiting for a reply. In the 1880's US immigration officials traveled to Russia- specifically Ukraine where there were the best farmers on Earth. Mennonites, etc same religious types. They were suspect for the Russian govt because of pacifism beliefs. Shipped thousands of families over and settled in mainly MidWest. Brought Tons of grain seed including superior winter wheat. Had a couple of stragglers in their seed, though. Tumbleweed and Mesquite. Entire West US over run
Hey, man those tumbleweeds are damn scary. Can achieve a top speed of 10 MPH. Before you know, you could be buried under 40 feet of tumbleweeds weighing maybe 5 pounds. Life threatening. You have no clue the personal dangers we face out here everyday.
Tumbleweeds, killer attack BBQ's Swat Teams. Sounds more dangerous than Newark, New Jersey.
Interestingly enough, they're not native to the Americas.
You do know the history of tumbleweeds and mesquites in the USA SW, right?
Kali tragus is native to Eurasia, but in the 1870s, it appeared in South Dakota when flaxseed from Russia turned out to be contaminated with Kali seeds. Although it is the best-known of this group of weeds, and was at first thought to be a single well-defined species, it now is known to have included more than one species plus some hybrids.
I just spit out my drink. FSchmertz teaching me about history? Welcome to Wally World.
CaptQuint wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:15 am
WTC has a Masters Degree in History from Trump University. Wrote his Thesis on Pennsylvanian Earthworm Mythology
He doesn't know anything 20 miles outside of his ant hill shithole, let alone PA
Hey, he vacationed in Midland, posted on UJ drank beer by the pool and threatened a brown person with a firearm
Any damn fool can navigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk
Hey, man those tumbleweeds are damn scary. Can achieve a top speed of 10 MPH. Before you know, you could be buried under 40 feet of tumbleweeds weighing maybe 5 pounds. Life threatening. You have no clue the personal dangers we face out here everyday.
Tumbleweeds, killer attack BBQ's Swat Teams. Sounds more dangerous than Newark, New Jersey.
Interestingly enough, they're not native to the Americas.
You do know the history of tumbleweeds and mesquites in the USA SW, right?
Kali tragus is native to Eurasia, but in the 1870s, it appeared in South Dakota when flaxseed from Russia turned out to be contaminated with Kali seeds. Although it is the best-known of this group of weeds, and was at first thought to be a single well-defined species, it now is known to have included more than one species plus some hybrids.
I just spit out my drink. FSchmertz teaching me about history? Welcome to Wally World.
I for one am particularly interested in the geologic impacts of glacial activity on the northern and Midwestern US states.
Not at all. There are things we could have done better. There always are. And there are things the entire fucking world could have done better. The fact is this: it doesn't matter what Trump did; this was coming no matter what. Im just curious if guys like Stapes hold the leaders of every other country on earth similarly accountable.
And if Obama were president while this was happening I'm sure the right would be screaming "black man bad," so don't be so snowflakey.
Some people would be, sure. Looking at the spread throughout the world though any logical person had to ascertain that this was coming. So either every single leader in the entire world is as incompetent as Trump or they're all simply doing what they can.
He's the man in charge, the buck stops with him, so any perceived failure is his, that's how it works.
So now that Europe is considered the epicenter, is every one of those European leaders a failure?
Sorry, don't care, not our problem.
It's still not the epicenter though, Asian totals still far exceed European totals.
Europe now 'the epicenter of the pandemic,' WHO says
Europe has "more reported cases and deaths than the rest of the world combined, apart from China," the World Health Organization said.
WestTexasCrude wrote: ↑Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:06 pm
Interesting incident today at the pool in Burnet. Lounged around for a couple of hours drinking beer, reading my Kindle etc. There was this hispanic female (30's) in the shade making small talk occasionally. When I started to leave, she got on her phone and a black truck pulled up that she walked over to. I gave it 5 minutes and walked over and informed them I "conceal carry". Scurried like rats.
Any damn fool can navigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk
who solves your problems for you every day? like when you have to open a medicine bottle or something and can't figure it out. Do you blame the federal government because they require those kind of lids?
grow up, man. some times a little common sense has to come into play.
I guess you didn't the memo. Stapes is a liberal retard who thinks the govt is expected to take care of everything so he's not the least stressed.
Is there just something about Texans who live in the sticks that make them this stupid? The US Government mandated these screenings, They are the ones who are directing these people to where they need to go inside the airport to be screened so they can exit. They are the ones who didn't have enough people to properly process these people and they are the ones responsible for herding them into tight quarters for up to 8 hours. How would these people have "taken care of it themselves". The level of stupidity coming out of these Texas hicks mouths in mind boggling.
Stapes lives in a mobile home in rural Florida. Calls me a "hick" and doesn't understand the irony.
I live a mile from the Atlantic ocean... there is no such thing as rural coast towns.... You ignorant circus clown
Lives a mile away from the ocean in a mobile home waiting for the next F whatever Hurricane. Calls me an "ignorant circus clown". That's Comedy Gold right there.
Herd immunity is a fancy way of saying "let it kill everyone it wants to kill now, quickly, so that the virus doesn't get a foothold and pass back and forth among the population as it mutates every season and returns"
Great idea if you live on an island and build an actual wall and shoot nyone who tries to get in.
Problem is, the rest of the world has it, it will mutate. It will come back, worse, and Britain will be right back where they started.
A vaccine and drastic seclusion measures the next time this happens is the only answer.
When I have botrytus in my crop, I don't let it spread. I remove and destroy the diseased plants and any plants they came in contact with. Then I double down with my sterilization measures and reinforce clean room protocols and watch for a return. When it returns I repeat the process. That's all you can do.
I don't say "let it spread. I'll salvage what survives" because nothing will survive
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes"
WestTexasCrude wrote: ↑Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:12 pm
I guess you didn't the memo. Stapes is a liberal retard who thinks the govt is expected to take care of everything so he's not the least stressed.
Is there just something about Texans who live in the sticks that make them this stupid? The US Government mandated these screenings, They are the ones who are directing these people to where they need to go inside the airport to be screened so they can exit. They are the ones who didn't have enough people to properly process these people and they are the ones responsible for herding them into tight quarters for up to 8 hours. How would these people have "taken care of it themselves". The level of stupidity coming out of these Texas hicks mouths in mind boggling.
Stapes lives in a mobile home in rural Florida. Calls me a "hick" and doesn't understand the irony.
I live a mile from the Atlantic ocean... there is no such thing as rural coast towns.... You ignorant circus clown
Lives a mile away from the ocean in a mobile home waiting for the next F whatever Hurricane. Calls me an "ignorant circus clown". That's Comedy Gold right there.
So you want to dwell in your basement and not learn anything new? We Gotcha
Today I learned that hurricanes are rated according to the F scale.
Damn. Me too. I am so embarrassed. I always thought that the F Scale was used to grade tornados and that hurricanes were rated by Categories based on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
You would think that someone in a shit sling contest would try to make sure their shit is accurate.
WestTexasCrude wrote: ↑Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:12 pm
I guess you didn't the memo. Stapes is a liberal retard who thinks the govt is expected to take care of everything so he's not the least stressed.
Is there just something about Texans who live in the sticks that make them this stupid? The US Government mandated these screenings, They are the ones who are directing these people to where they need to go inside the airport to be screened so they can exit. They are the ones who didn't have enough people to properly process these people and they are the ones responsible for herding them into tight quarters for up to 8 hours. How would these people have "taken care of it themselves". The level of stupidity coming out of these Texas hicks mouths in mind boggling.
Stapes lives in a mobile home in rural Florida. Calls me a "hick" and doesn't understand the irony.
I live a mile from the Atlantic ocean... there is no such thing as rural coast towns.... You ignorant circus clown
Lives a mile away from the ocean in a mobile home waiting for the next F whatever Hurricane. Calls me an "ignorant circus clown". That's Comedy Gold right there.
The deadly coronavirus that has roiled markets in recent weeks has set off a series of government protocols like travel bans and statewide school closures.