Lance Cpl. Chase Welch yells to his team between firing burst from his M-249 SAW during a firefight with the Taliban in city of Marjah, Afghanistan, February 2010. U.S. Marines and Afghan forces continued Operation Moshtarak, meaning “joint operation,” to retake the city of Marja from Taliban forces.
The operation was the largest of war since the invasion, and Marja — long outside of Afghan Government control — was the Taliban’s last major stronghold in Helmand Province.
Assault Breaching Vehicles crossed the heavily IED’s outskirts of the city, using Mine Clearing Line Charges (MICLIC), 150m 1750 lbs cables of C4 explosive that detonate, and clear a path of IED’s and other obstacles in the process. Marines of Charlie Company 1 Infantry, 6th Marine Regiment will follow, clearing the city of Taliban insurgents.