Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.

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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:51 pm Naaah, it's you with the tired schtick. Everyone's duped, except the wiki-queen. I rarely respond to your pompous shit anymore.

Saying celebs and pols don't construct walls around their castles is stoopid for most, but for some reason just not for you.
Are you referring to the time you claimed Pelosi had a big walled compound, so I checked and found her townhouse, then you claimed she still did anyway because all rich people do then ran away?

Guess that left a little more sand in your vag.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

There are reasons why you won't find pics of Pelosi's 2nd residence on Wikipedia. Maybe you can/should search a little harder, given your lack of concern over statements you made willing to fund an explosive attack on the US embassy in Jerusalem.

.1 percenters have multiple residences. Congrats on finding the one where a wall is impractical.


you can stroll back to the lounge now, secure in your pointy headed thoughts that you schooled another.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:22 pm There are reasons why you won't find pics of Pelosi's 2nd residence on Wikipedia. Maybe you can/should search a little harder, given your lack of concern over statements you made willing to fund an explosive attack on the US embassy in Jerusalem.

.1 percenters have multiple residences. Congrats on finding the one where a wall is impractical.


you can stroll back to the lounge now, secure in your pointy headed thoughts that you schooled another.
Oh I see, there's a conspiracy to hide Pelosi's mythical walled compound and that's why you can't find it. Sure thing buddy. Probably them Jews eh?
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Your pompous behaviour here won’t innoculate you from that smacked ass face feelin when I put up a pic of the secured entrance to her 2nd home.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Cassandros wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:43 pm
analhamster wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:21 am The projected numbers are always off, because they can't account for political policy choices. The actual numbers are the actual numbers, the best and only available, your declaration that they are cooked if they don't serve your nonsense is pulled from your ass. CBO projections are based on that baseline accounting thing you don't understand. Your 108% figure is based on a CBO projection. Debts are always looked at in relation to GDP, for various reasons you can't grasp.
Bailouts began under Hoover, who was long dead by the 70s. Computing power actually gets consistently cheaper, it doesn't double in price when processing power doubles. You are just woefully misinformed about everything.
You are obviously weak in this arena...

The actual numbers in your chart are off too, like I said, the DEBT/gdp ratio has never been below 50% since the early 90's. Also, no one said anything about computer prices doubling- the CBO doesn't look at retail pricing, it simply considers them twice as valuable and those are the numbers they use.

Now to the meat of the issue: Of course there have been bailouts before the 70's. What changed in the 70's was the creation of the FDIC which incentivized big banks/businesses (and even a city) to be completely reckless with their finances knowing there was now a 'safety net' (that ultimately comes from the tax payer).

The DEBT will never come down so long as big business/banks are saved every time they go bankrupt/insolvent, the DEBT will never come down if government budgets only get bigger. The combination of the two is a calamity waiting to happen.
The chart shows public debt, I should have guessed you wouldn't know what the words mean. The numbers are accurate, I'll explain basic terms to you if you want to admit not knowing them.

You stated "computer processor power doubles every couple of years and are counted as being twice as valuable", you said nothing about the CBO counting them as twice as valuable, which would also be wrong. Are you attempting to derp about the consumer price index?

You stated "In the 70's it became legal to make taxpayers save failing institutions", and I have pointed out institutions too big to fail were saved back in the 30s. You'll never learn if you just pretend you said something else.

As for 'the meat of the issue, the FDIC was actually created in 1933, to restore faith in the banking system as a result of the great depression. The FDIC doesn't bailout banks, it insures their customers against bank failures. It literally only pays out if the bank fails. And it isn't publicly funded, member banks pay insurance dues. Don't just try and skip this and move on to the next stream of misinformation, the basis of your position was just completely wrong. Why don't you dig deep and try to think again?
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:13 pm Your pompous behaviour here won’t innoculate you from that smacked ass face feelin when I put up a pic of the secured entrance to her 2nd home.
Any time you're ready buddy. It's been a couple of months now but I'm sure you'll get there.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by stymiegreen »

analhamster wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:26 pm
Charliesheen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:13 pm Your pompous behaviour here won’t innoculate you from that smacked ass face feelin when I put up a pic of the secured entrance to her 2nd home.
Any time you're ready buddy. It's been a couple of months now but I'm sure you'll get there.
Ha ha...imagining that smug look on your face disappear is gonna be sooooo sweet in a few months from now when he posts that pic, pal!

His sick burn is just marinating now like a fine wine....
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

stymiegreen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:40 pm
analhamster wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:26 pm
Charliesheen wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:13 pm Your pompous behaviour here won’t innoculate you from that smacked ass face feelin when I put up a pic of the secured entrance to her 2nd home.
Any time you're ready buddy. It's been a couple of months now but I'm sure you'll get there.
Ha ha...imagining that smug look on your face disappear is gonna be sooooo sweet in a few months from now when he posts that pic, pal!

His sick burn is just marinating now like a fine wine....
As I said at the time, I really wouldn't care. It's not like the question of whether Pelosi has a second home with a wall is actually relevant in any way to whether or not to build a 2000 mile boondoggle, and only a retard would think it is. But it's good for little charlie to have dreams.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

So you're just going to drop the entire basis from your last post, vaguely pretend it was a typo, keep the conclusion and try again to come up with something to back it. Well gee, I did not see that coming :lol:
What changed in the 70's was the creation of the FDIC which incentivized big banks/businesses (and even a city) to be completely reckless with their finances knowing there was now a 'safety net' (that ultimately comes from the tax payer).
Yet again it is funded by the banks themselves, and it pays out if they fail. You didn't just get the year wrong, you fundamentally misunderstood absolutely everything on the topic. Creditor insurance is not a bailout for the bank, it pays out to customers if the bank fails. With money paid in by other banks. The FDIC has a line of credit with the treasury, which means they can borrow money for the big crashes, which then has to be paid back, via the banks paying in to the insurance scheme. They do not issue currency. Literally everything you said was wrong. The incentive to take risks comes from something called money, the banks like to make money, they take risks to take money. The only way to stop them doing that is regulators not letting them bet all your money.

It would really save a lot of time if you just admitted what kooky blog you get this shit from, you clearly know nothing of the topic. You also clearly don't know what the term 'public debt' means. Feel free to ask, the figures are still correct.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Cassandros wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:01 pm
analhamster wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:53 pm So you're just going to drop the entire basis from your last post, vaguely pretend it was a typo, keep the conclusion and try again to come up with something to back it. Well gee, I did not see that coming :lol:
What changed in the 70's was the creation of the FDIC which incentivized big banks/businesses (and even a city) to be completely reckless with their finances knowing there was now a 'safety net' (that ultimately comes from the tax payer).
Yet again it is funded by the banks themselves, and it pays out if they fail. You didn't just get the year wrong, you fundamentally misunderstood absolutely everything on the topic. Creditor insurance is not a bailout for the bank, it pays out to customers if the bank fails. With money paid in by other banks. The FDIC has a line of credit with the treasury, which means they can borrow money for the big crashes, which then has to be paid back, via the banks paying in to the insurance scheme. They do not issue currency. Literally everything you said was wrong. The incentive to take risks comes from something called money, the banks like to make money, they take risks to take money. The only way to stop them doing that is regulators not letting them bet all your money.

It would really save a lot of time if you just admitted what kooky blog you get this shit from, you clearly know nothing of the topic. You also clearly don't know what the term 'public debt' means. Feel free to ask, the figures are still correct.
Yeah, I made a mistake, not sure why I was thinking the FDIC was a 70s institution... but unlike you I can man up to it. All my info comes from books, not blogs- but admittedly I haven't read banking books in many years. One thing I like about forums is it forces me to remember old info, even if in the process I get egg on my face.

Everything I said in the last post is correct. I never said they 'issue currency' I said if the numbers are high enough the FDIC has its own currency issue and turn to the Federal Reserve for help. If you want more technical language the FDIC is funded from assessments against banks, when these funds run low the balance is provided from the Federal Reserve System.

Now the most interesting part of this is your focus of my error. But not the core issue of the US DEBT, which is far more important.
Claiming your mistake was it was founded in the 70s is a cop out. You claimed it is publicly funded, bails out banks and is responsible for irresponsible lending, wrong on all counts, just a total fundamental misunderstanding of the topic, and that was the basis you gave for your claims. When caught you didn't revise your claims, you just looked for a new justification, which you also got wrong. Now it doesn't issue currency, it just has its own currency issue. No idea wtf you think that means, but it doesn't. What it can do, as I already told you, is borrow money from the fed then pay it back with interest. You aren't capable of a discussion, you are unable to comprehend that believing false things leads you to false conclusions.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Now the most interesting part of this is your focus of my error. But not the core issue of the US DEBT, which is far more important.
That is the Hamster Hole. Get used to it. This feeds the pompous fuck’s ego.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Pretty much nothing you have written was correct. I have spelled this out to you at every stage but you are clearly too childish to discuss anything, you're like a trump fan thinking criticising the occasional tweet excuses you from ignoring an endless avalanche of bullshit. The FDIC does in fact have a 100 billion dollar line of credit with the fed. We'll add 'line of credit' to 'public debt' in the terms you just can't grasp category I guess. It's rarely needed, but if it were that would be a loan and would be paid back, with interest. But like your 1970s boob, the only of many you've acknowledged, that's just one small part of your endless fuckups upon which you base you have been misinformed that your false conclusions rest. The interest on the deficit is around 8%, not 1/3 of the entire budget. Every single post you make is just full of these easily refutable fake facts, but no matter how many I shoot down you'll just produce more in support of the same false yet unshakeable conclusions. You didn't think for yourself in accepting them and you can't think for yourself to change them, no matter how many false facts I point out.

The only possible conclusion is that you are an idiot.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

2018 $523,017,301,446.12
2017 $458,542,287,311.80
2016 $432,649,652,901.12
2015 $402,435,356,075.49
Interest expense on federal debt for the last 4 years

Just found this on the CBO page:

(As of May 24, 2018 )
$4.1 Trillion
$3.3 Trillion
$793 Billion

523 billion divided by 4.1 trillion = 12.75%. It takes a real sophisticate and true master of cognitive dissonance, or a petty twat who insists everyone else is too slow for him, to poo-poo the devastation these annual deficits will have, if interest rates are ever allowed to return to historic levels. Hello Nagasaki. Here we come.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:00 am
2018 $523,017,301,446.12
2017 $458,542,287,311.80
2016 $432,649,652,901.12
2015 $402,435,356,075.49
Interest expense on federal debt for the last 4 years

Just found this on the CBO page:

(As of May 24, 2018 )
$4.1 Trillion
$3.3 Trillion
$793 Billion

523 billion divided by 4.1 trillion = 12.75%. It takes a real sophisticate and true master of cognitive dissonance, or a petty twat who insists everyone else is too slow for him, to poo-poo the devastation these annual deficits will have, if interest rates are ever allowed to return to historic levels. Hello Nagasaki. Here we come.
My source would be the latest federal budget, 364bn in interest out of a 4.4 trn budget, aka 8%. You're also defending a dimwit who literally just claimed 33% in his last post, you dumb cunt.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen » ... ional-debt

Yep. Nothing to see here. As long as the percentages remain the same we'll never have to worry.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:56 am ... ional-debt

Yep. Nothing to see here. As long as the percentages remain the same we'll never have to worry.
That's actually true, but you lack the education or intelligence to explain why.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Burn1dwn »

analhamster wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:53 pm It's not like the question of whether Pelosi has a second home with a wall is actually relevant in any way to whether or not to build a 2000 mile boondoggle, and only a retard would think it is.
Sounds like great fodder for The Onion.

HYPOCRITE PELOSI FOUND TO HAVE SEA WALL AT 2ND HOME. Satellite images also show possible retaining walls and a fenced dog run. Trump demands answers...
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

analhamster wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:05 am
Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:56 am ... ional-debt

Yep. Nothing to see here. As long as the percentages remain the same we'll never have to worry.
That's actually true, but you lack the education or intelligence to explain why.
“Every trillion dollars that we go deeper in debt is $8,000 of additional debt per family,” he explained. “And that is not a theoretical number. That is debt you owe just as surely as if it appeared on your credit card statement this month.”

The $19 trillion in debt translates to a $152,000 bill for the average family — and the national debt continues to increase.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that federal spending in 2016 will cause the debt to increase by another $544 billion. This means everyday the government spends $1.5 billion more than it takes in revenue.

McClintock explains that the total spending figure is as if “$4,000 was just had added to your credit card this year.”

The federal government is lucky that current interest rates are at historic lows — the official federal interest rate is 1.7 percent, according to the CBO. This translates to $250 billion in interest payments, which McClintock says costs each family $2,000.

“That means that $2,000 of the taxes that you paid to the IRS this year accomplished nothing more than renting the money we’ve already spent,” he told TheDCNF.
It's already established that all you know to do is fiddle while your country is burning around you. More knife attacks, acid attacks, Islamization, remaining Brussels's bitch and you're such a stoopid NPC you defend the indefensible. Arguing it could always be worse. What's the occasional pile of human shit on a street when Calcutta is so much worse.

$152K in debt per family. The new normal, like the occasional rape. Still not as bad as it could be, alright.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:37 am
analhamster wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:05 am
Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:56 am ... ional-debt

Yep. Nothing to see here. As long as the percentages remain the same we'll never have to worry.
That's actually true, but you lack the education or intelligence to explain why.
“Every trillion dollars that we go deeper in debt is $8,000 of additional debt per family,” he explained. “And that is not a theoretical number. That is debt you owe just as surely as if it appeared on your credit card statement this month.”

The $19 trillion in debt translates to a $152,000 bill for the average family — and the national debt continues to increase.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that federal spending in 2016 will cause the debt to increase by another $544 billion. This means everyday the government spends $1.5 billion more than it takes in revenue.

McClintock explains that the total spending figure is as if “$4,000 was just had added to your credit card this year.”

The federal government is lucky that current interest rates are at historic lows — the official federal interest rate is 1.7 percent, according to the CBO. This translates to $250 billion in interest payments, which McClintock says costs each family $2,000.

“That means that $2,000 of the taxes that you paid to the IRS this year accomplished nothing more than renting the money we’ve already spent,” he told TheDCNF.
It's already established that all you know to do is fiddle while your country is burning around you. More knife attacks, acid attacks, Islamization, remaining Brussels's bitch and you're such a stoopid NPC you defend the indefensible. Arguing it could always be worse. What's the occasional pile of human shit on a street when Calcutta is so much worse.

$152K in debt per family. The new normal, like the occasional rape. Still not as bad as it could be, alright.
My country is still a lot safer than yours is.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Yep. Stats don't lie. Strip away my democrat-run shithole cities like St Louis, Compton, and Chicago and we'd probably be on par. It's classic Ham-hole schtick to argue things aren't as bad as elsewhere, as the newly fresh stench rises.

I'm surrounded by minorities free of democrat-taught-bullshit privilege think. They work hard, are paid well, and particularly when it comes to culinary exploits, bring a lot of good things to Northern California life.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:12 pm Yep. Stats don't lie. Strip away my democrat-run shithole cities like St Louis, Compton, and Chicago and we'd probably be on par. It's classic Ham-hole schtick to argue things aren't as bad as elsewhere, as the newly fresh stench rises.

I'm surrounded by minorities free of democrat-taught-bullshit privilege think. They work hard, are paid well, and particularly when it comes to culinary exploits, bring a lot of good things to Northern California life.
Nope, London is safer than every major city in the entire US. This came up when some newspapers got excited back in february about London overtaking NY over a period of one month. The year ended, as usual, with about double the murder rate in NY. It is classic ham hole schtick to point out the actual facts and how they contradict your misinformed blatherings.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Who gives a fuck about London? Fiddle away, ye of little common sense and tender ego.

So it's not as shitty as Detroit. Your ilk has made US cities as crime-ridden as they are, with policies that encourage a fresh and dynamic crop of thugs.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by AnalHamster »

Charliesheen wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:27 pm Who gives a fuck about London? Fiddle away, ye of little common sense and tender ego.

So it's not as shitty as Detroit. Your ilk has made US cities as crime-ridden as they are, with policies that encourage a fresh and dynamic crop of thugs.
Uh huh. So you made a false claim, I corrected you, and your response is that I'm to blame for how dangerous US cities are because of my ilk.

So the ham hole is you getting schooled then you derping some new shit?
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Who gives a fuck about London? You're looking again for some stooped shit to dispute. You can have the safe(r) city smegma. Most major US cities are run by democrats. To wit: ... ted_States

Just like the US school system. Another paragon of liberal virtue.
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Re: Deficit spikes 41 percent in first quarter of fiscal year.


Post by Charliesheen »

Odd how the perfessor crows down his nose @ how great London is, yet isn't willing to recognize it's under attack by elements hell-bent on stripping its stature.
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