Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:18 pm
by QillerDaemon
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:21 pm
by AnalHamster
Flumper wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:09 pm
that's what happens when you play stupid games. next time some cops have a house barricaded off, walk in past their barricades and see how they respond. the guy was a complete dumb ass.
So peaceful protest - even when attacked - and asking feds in camo if they will uphold their oaths to the constitution is a silly game? Do you think protest should just be banned outright unless the secret police approve it in advance?
My cops would politely ask me to move along and call me sir. But then, they wouldn't be standing there in riot gear with a hair trigger to hit me with pepper spray and batons.
I live in a free country.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
They are there because trump is incompetent, appointed an incompetent acting head of the DHS to bypass confirmation safeguards, and wanted them there for political reasons. He'd have sent in the army if he could.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
they are there protecting Federal Buildings. Which they have every right under the constitution to do. These protesters are not only covering these federal buildings with graffiti, they are setting them on fire, breaking out windows, breaking through walls. totally destroying them. That is the only thing these federal LEO are doing at this point. Despite what CNN or the other MSM would have you believe.
they (federal LEO) have been doing this for a week, you would think that if the media hasn't told you they are protecting federal property, then you would begin to question how the media decides what to tell you.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
they are there protecting Federal Buildings. Which they have every right under the constitution to do. These protesters are not only covering these federal buildings with graffiti, they are setting them on fire, breaking out windows, breaking through walls. totally destroying them. That is the only thing these federal LEO are doing at this point. Despite what CNN or the other MSM would have you believe.
You are denying they are going around in camo in unmarked vans and abducting people off the streets?
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:33 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
they are there protecting Federal Buildings. Which they have every right under the constitution to do. These protesters are not only covering these federal buildings with graffiti, they are setting them on fire, breaking out windows, breaking through walls. totally destroying them. That is the only thing these federal LEO are doing at this point. Despite what CNN or the other MSM would have you believe.
You are denying they are going around in camo in unmarked vans and abducting people off the streets?
i'm not there, stupid.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
they are there protecting Federal Buildings. Which they have every right under the constitution to do. These protesters are not only covering these federal buildings with graffiti, they are setting them on fire, breaking out windows, breaking through walls. totally destroying them. That is the only thing these federal LEO are doing at this point. Despite what CNN or the other MSM would have you believe.
You are denying they are going around in camo in unmarked vans and abducting people off the streets?
i'm not there, stupid.
And you are incapable of finding information about the world other than what you see and what Goebbels tells you you see. You'd have been a fucking nazi dude. I know it's a cliche, but this is exactly it.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:42 pm
by QillerDaemon
Flumper wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:27 pm
they are there protecting Federal Buildings. Which they have every right under the constitution to do.
Fine, then that's what they should be doing, protecting federal property. So why are they on non-federal property and on side streets not near federal property?
And not under the Constitution. In fact, the list of federal crimes was pretty narrow until the 30's, not even including kidnapping and bank robbery. Commit a crime in one state, go to another, you were free. The FBI, such as it was then, was regularly ignored by local and state police. Then to combat organized crime, RICO-like federal regulations were instated that expanded the federal LE reach. The Patriot Act expanded that reach to new heights.
You want to talk about federal overreach? How about how police departments are required to honor federal LE requests. They didn't used to, but now it's all the "new" normal now. Why even have local police, let's just federalize them like it's done in "shitty third world" countries.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:43 pm
by AnalHamster
Flumper can't argue a point or change his starting conclusion, if you make an argument he can't answer he'll just pretend he can't see it and repeat the initial assertion.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:45 pm
by Animal
QillerDaemon wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:42 pm
You want to talk about federal overreach? How about how police departments are required to honor federal LE requests. They didn't used to, but now it's all the "new" normal now. Why even have local police, let's just federalize them like it's done in "shitty third world" countries.
we might have to if these democratic mayors and governors refuse to protect their cities and their citizens.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:46 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:51 pm
by Animal
2 days ago in Seattle. no federal LEO.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:54 pm
by Animal
Seattle yesterday. no federal LEO
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:57 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:59 pm
by Charliesheen
What a crazy time. How do you defend all this destruction? How in the hell is smashing up a police station supposed to benefit a cause?
Doesn’t the shop owner have a right to conduct his business without fear of it getting smashed up? What’s he supposed to do when his government decides to give him up to the mob?
If that were your business who would you turn to? Would you welcome any sort of meaningful law enforcement?
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:01 pm
This is what you dimwits are supporting, you hypocritical traitors. I'd be out protesting too if the fed secret police were abducting people from the streets here. It was always obvious a chump presidency would damage institutions, but crumbling so fast to this point is truly disturbing. Supporting 4 more years when he's sending secret police to occupy cities in the first term is simply insane.
What concerns me is why federal LEO are attending to a local law enforcement efforts. Are any of the protesters committing federal crimes? If not, there shouldn't be federal LEO engaged at all in these matters. Do the CBP and other agencies under DHS not have enough work in their own jurisdictions to do?
Well last night "peaceful protesters" tore down plywood that was protecting windows, broke window's, set fires at a federal building. So I'd say yes.
Not to mention those that lost their lives, you know protected by the constitution.
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:07 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:09 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:10 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:10 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:11 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:14 pm
by Animal
Re: Political meme thread for both sides of the spectrum.