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FSchmertz wrote: ↑Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:53 pm
Yeah, but I just linked those two previous interceptions to prove that a F-15N has been involved, at least in the past. So they are in use by somebody.
I cannot find an actual photo of a "Sea Eagle"
I don't think they actually look much different. Best I can find is they have two wheels on the front instead of one, like the F-14?
Here's a newspaper article on today's incident, with some video
Coronavirus surge brings suffering to the impoverished, underresourced Mississippi Delta “To everybody in town that I see posting on Facebook about how this isn't real and that it’s a political scheme, I'm like, ‘Oh, my God, come intubate these patients.'”
No it doesn't, we built up extra capacity which was never needed.
You know there are death panels in your country.
The regular ones that are in every country including yours, sure. They decide who deserves an organ. Extra death panels in your country decide who dies due to cost and insurance coverage - we have no individual cap here. And now extra death panels in your country decide who dies from corona virus.
Not because of cost you dope. Its to free up beds in the hospitals.
The coronavirus death panels are to determine who gets a bed a full capacity - none free, and the wallet biopsy death panels are just about the money, the aim is to fill every bed with people who are covered for the ridiculous bills.
You are wrong. There is one hospital in Texas that had 8 corona beds. The also said they "MAY" send them home to die. Worry about the shit going on in your country. We got this.
i heard a reporter the other day giving a Covid update on world wide numbers. he said that the world total of cases had hit 4 million blah blah blah (whatever the number) and then he said that it was a NEW WORLD RECORD of cases!!
I'm legitimately curious if the folks in all of those other countries that are worse off than us are as angry at their government as many here are at Trump?
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Its weird to me how you never hear Louisiana mentioned in any of the news about Covid hotspots. Quietly, Louisiana has now taken over the top spot in the nation for per capita cases of Covid-19. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, Democratic governor. Of course, they aren't even half way to the death count that New Jersey and New York have managed to pile up.
CHEEZY17 wrote: ↑Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:44 am
Silly me for actually quoting and going by what you actually typed.
1 month Avatar bet. 150k American deaths due to this Corona virus by September. You got over and I got under. Deal?
To avoid arguments, whose number will be the next official number?
You realize your position is that more people will have to die in the USA in the next 4.5 months than have died in the entire world so far, right?
Some people are saying 200K by that point. I shaved 50K off to give me a chance.
And dont let your President hear you saying something to hard to do. Americans can do ANYTHING when they put their minds to it.
I'm getting a 10K spike in a week from people going against the plan and having Easter together.
"Start digging the graves......They're starting to dieeeee..." Sung to New York New York ready Cheezy? And a month early! USA USA! OPEN THE SKEWLZ!!
I will have to go find you an avatar.
And there it is! 150K dead! And you are still politicizing every element of the virus. 200K by Sept 1st is TOTALLY in play.
And the avitar that Cheezy gets to use for one month??
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:21 pm
Well the Brazilians are. Where else is worse off?
By death rate? Here you go:
Flumper wrote: ↑Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:30 am
1 San Marino 1,238
2 Belgium 846
3 Andorra 673
4 UK 671
5 Spain 608
6 Italy 580
7 Sweden 562
8 Peru 535
9 Chile 462
10 France 462
11 USA 445
Just gonna stick with that while your undercount goes up and up eh?
Every country in europe is looking at the US disaster with pity. Seriously, the only countries really comparable are places like Brazil. Boris didn't do a great job, it'll be held against him next election, but it's still under control while we open back up. Just how delusional are you?
Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:42 pm
Its weird to me how you never hear Louisiana mentioned in any of the news about Covid hotspots. Quietly, Louisiana has now taken over the top spot in the nation for per capita cases of Covid-19. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, Democratic governor. Of course, they aren't even half way to the death count that New Jersey and New York have managed to pile up.
Exactly, just like how no one mentioned New York’s problems early on and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and California because all of them have democratic governors, you’re exactly right.
Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:42 pm
Its weird to me how you never hear Louisiana mentioned in any of the news about Covid hotspots. Quietly, Louisiana has now taken over the top spot in the nation for per capita cases of Covid-19. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, Democratic governor. Of course, they aren't even half way to the death count that New Jersey and New York have managed to pile up.
Exactly, just like how no one mentioned New York’s problems early on and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and California because all of them have democratic governors, you’re exactly right.
AnalHamster wrote: ↑Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:21 pm
Well the Brazilians are. Where else is worse off?
By death rate? Here you go:
Flumper wrote: ↑Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:30 am
1 San Marino 1,238
2 Belgium 846
3 Andorra 673
4 UK 671
5 Spain 608
6 Italy 580
7 Sweden 562
8 Peru 535
9 Chile 462
10 France 462
11 USA 445
Just gonna stick with that while your undercount goes up and up eh?
Every country in europe is looking at the US disaster with pity. Seriously, the only countries really comparable are places like Brazil. Boris didn't do a great job, it'll be held against him next election, but it's still under control while we open back up. Just how delusional are you?
I'm gonna stick with it while its accurate and shows other countries, like the UK, still in worse shape.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."