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Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:02 pm
by FSchmertz
Flumper wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:59 pm
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:55 pm
Flumper wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:52 pm
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:41 pm
This is what Chump actually said, not just a retwit:
In a news conference Tuesday, Trump addressed the video, saying: “I think they’re very respected doctors. There was a woman who was spectacular.” He did not specify which woman. He added of hydroxychloroquine, “I happen to think it works in the early stages.”

When asked directly about Immanuel and why he might trust someone who believes that alien DNA is used in modern medicine, Trump responded: “I thought she was very impressive, in the sense that, from where she came — I don’t know what country she comes from — but she said that she’s had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients. I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her.”
OMG!!! He said those things?

And he retwitted it because he was endorsing it because he thought it was important?
I thought her voice was an important voice
P.S. How long did it take to clean up the mess your brain made when it spilled out?
well, if he ever goes to trial over this whole hydroxychloroquine retweeting conspiracy and his opinion on a woman he said he knew nothing about, then you should hang on to your files about all of this. they could be very important.
That he made in an official presidential twit account.

Not only is he a moron, he's an official moron.

P.S. And are we ready to concede he's endorsed their video, in a retwit and in person as per AH? Even if he "knows nothing about" this "important voice."

Or are we moving the goalposts again?

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:05 pm
by Stapes
Flumper has already stated that he reads nothing, follows nothing, keeps up on nothing...... Yet he has no problems coming in here and opining as some kind of expert on every subject. He's a stable genius like his orange overlord.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:06 pm
by Animal
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:00 pm
He's picking on various minor points and not addressing the main current one, hoping you'll forget the actual point. It's a Classic Chumpian-era technique.
New York City was already in the middle of a brutal, bloody day when, at around 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, shots were fired from a car as it passed a park in Brooklyn’s Cypress Hills section. When the gunfire ended, another city resident’s life had been cut short in broad daylight: A 16-year-old boy Kleimer P. Mendez, lay dead on the sidewalk, shot in the head, the police said. Two others were also injured in the gunfire, and on Monday, one of them, Antonio Villa, died from his injuries as well.

The two teenagers were among eight people killed in violent crimes on Sunday, an exceptionally deadly 24 hours that came as New York City wrestles with a spike in shootings unlike anything it has seen in decades.

The trend has not shown signs of slowing, even though for weeks the police, community activists and elected officials have vowed to confront the rising tide of violence. The triple shooting on Sunday was one of 15 shooting incidents that police officers responded to on Sunday. Of the eight people killed that day, seven were felled by bullets. “When we have a day with 15 shootings in New York City, that’s not a success,” Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea said Monday in an interview on NY1. “There’s no other way to put that.”

Through July 26, the city had 745 shootings, an increase of 73 percent from last year


Damn, you are right. I keep going to minor points and forgetting the bigger picture of presidential retweets. Sorry.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:10 pm
by FSchmertz
What has that got to do with this thread?

Maybe you should explore this topic in its own thread.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:12 pm
by Wut
Flumper wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:06 pm
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:00 pm
He's picking on various minor points and not addressing the main current one, hoping you'll forget the actual point. It's a Classic Chumpian-era technique.
New York City was already in the middle of a brutal, bloody day when, at around 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, shots were fired from a car as it passed a park in Brooklyn’s Cypress Hills section. When the gunfire ended, another city resident’s life had been cut short in broad daylight: A 16-year-old boy Kleimer P. Mendez, lay dead on the sidewalk, shot in the head, the police said. Two others were also injured in the gunfire, and on Monday, one of them, Antonio Villa, died from his injuries as well.

The two teenagers were among eight people killed in violent crimes on Sunday, an exceptionally deadly 24 hours that came as New York City wrestles with a spike in shootings unlike anything it has seen in decades.

The trend has not shown signs of slowing, even though for weeks the police, community activists and elected officials have vowed to confront the rising tide of violence. The triple shooting on Sunday was one of 15 shooting incidents that police officers responded to on Sunday. Of the eight people killed that day, seven were felled by bullets. “When we have a day with 15 shootings in New York City, that’s not a success,” Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea said Monday in an interview on NY1. “There’s no other way to put that.”

Through July 26, the city had 745 shootings, an increase of 73 percent from last year


Damn, you are right. I keep going to minor points and forgetting the bigger picture of presidential retweets. Sorry.
Shouldn't this be in the thread on this topic or are you trying to change the subject here?

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:13 pm
by Animal
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:10 pm What has that got to do with this thread?

Maybe you should explore this topic in its own thread.
I have tried. None of the left leaning ideologists want to discuss the exploding crime rate or gun violence and deaths in the cities that have occurred since the protests started. They want to talk about more serious topics like this one.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:14 pm
by Wut
I don't see how you can claim that Trump retreating something is not endorsing whatever he is retweeting, otherwise what was the point of the retweet?

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:23 pm
by FSchmertz
Flumper wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:13 pm
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:10 pm What has that got to do with this thread?

Maybe you should explore this topic in its own thread.
I have tried. None of the left leaning ideologists want to discuss the exploding crime rate or gun violence and deaths in the cities that have occurred since the protests started. They want to talk about more serious topics like this one.
I'm also concerned about how this stuff can't be helping with COVID-19 spread either. So I sorta brought this on-topic?

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:06 am
by CaptQuint
CaptQuint wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:18 pm Flumpy attempts to change the subject :lol:
CaptQuint wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:32 pm :lol: Flumpy always changes the subject :lol:


Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:27 pm
by Evil.Fkn.Mean,Nasty
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:30 pm
Evil.Fkn.Mean,Nasty wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:50 pm
FSchmertz wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:17 pm Ask me why I, and any sane person, can't seriously believe the "now I'm serious about COVID-19" new Chump daily TV corona show-persona.
Dont worry. He is getting bored with his new persona. My guess is the bleach-injecting madman will be back in a week. Quoting that wack-a-doodle doctor is a sign of things to come.

Make America Entertaining again! :beavisbutthead:
Yeah, it sure is going to be boring when Biden wins and the world stops laughing at us. ;)
Good point. I'll say it again, just because I think Trump is a fool, doesnt mean I am pro Biden. In fact, I could care less as I am up here in the safety of Canada. Wont be as entertaining with the Dems, but you will probably bring the "laughingstock meter" down a couple notches.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:43 pm
by Stapes
CaptQuint wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:51 pm Trump ally Herman Cain who attended Tulsa rally in hospital with coronavirus ... 98711.html

Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP! ~ Herman Cain

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Is dead

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:46 pm
by Animal
Stapes wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:43 pm
CaptQuint wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:51 pm Trump ally Herman Cain who attended Tulsa rally in hospital with coronavirus ... 98711.html

Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP! ~ Herman Cain

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Is dead
he died? Wow, CaptQ will really be laughing now.

I also read today that the old man in the rest home with that viral video of the young black guy beating the shit out of him? He also died.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:08 pm
by Evil.Fkn.Mean,Nasty
Might have to change the name to KarmaVirus.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:18 pm
by FSchmertz
Flumper wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:46 pm
Stapes wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:43 pm
CaptQuint wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:51 pm Trump ally Herman Cain who attended Tulsa rally in hospital with coronavirus ... 98711.html

Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP! ~ Herman Cain

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Is dead
he died? Wow, CaptQ will really be laughing now.

I also read today that the old man in the rest home with that viral video of the young black guy beating the shit out of him? He also died.
Laughing is not appropriate when someone dies. It's kinda sad I had to say that.

I had a feeling things weren't going well. He went into the hospital in June.

P.S. Wear masks, and even better yet social distance whenever possible. Also avoid crowds, or even worse being inside with same.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:11 pm
by CaptQuint
Cain is alive, this is a democratic hoax

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:51 pm
by FSchmertz
Louie Gohmert: Anti-mask Republican tests positive for coronavirus after attending Barr testimony


A Texas Republican who has refused to wear a mask while walking through the halls of Congress and attending high-profile hearings with members of the White House administration tested positive for Covid-19.

Louie Gohmert, who just attended a congressional hearing with William Barr, the attorney general, on Tuesday, tested positive for the novel coronavirus while being screened during a White House procedure on Wednesday morning.

Moron might have killed people because of his shitty no-caring attitude. Or made them really sick. Hopefully he hasn't.

P.S. He tested positive on Wednesday, the day he was supposed to travel with Chump to Texas. ... 44166.html

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:12 am
by Animal

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:14 am
by DandyDon
FSchmertz wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:51 pm
Louie Gohmert: Anti-mask Republican tests positive for coronavirus after attending Barr testimony


A Texas Republican who has refused to wear a mask while walking through the halls of Congress and attending high-profile hearings with members of the White House administration tested positive for Covid-19.

Louie Gohmert, who just attended a congressional hearing with William Barr, the attorney general, on Tuesday, tested positive for the novel coronavirus while being screened during a White House procedure on Wednesday morning.

Moron might have killed people because of his shitty no-caring attitude. Or made them really sick. Hopefully he hasn't.

P.S. He tested positive on Wednesday, the day he was supposed to travel with Chump to Texas. ... 44166.html ... viet-state

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 am
by megman
Our local hospital is back to being designated a COVID hospital, so if you have minor emerg issues you have to drive 24Km to the next town.

There are unofficial cases because when someone tests positive, their home town or city is listed for residence. Shitty way of keeping a lid on it. :roll:

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:28 am
by CaptQuint

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:50 am
megman wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 am Our local hospital is back to being designated a COVID hospital, so if you have minor emerg issues you have to drive 24Km to the next town.

There are unofficial cases because when someone tests positive, their home town or city is listed for residence. Shitty way of keeping a lid on it. :roll:
Wait until most likely a lot of those beds go unused and all of those people are then forced to travel for no reason. Here, they turned the gigantic Cobo Hall into an emergency hospital and had a grand total of, at its peak, 16 patients.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:55 am
by FSchmertz
CHEEZY17 wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:50 am
megman wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 am Our local hospital is back to being designated a COVID hospital, so if you have minor emerg issues you have to drive 24Km to the next town.

There are unofficial cases because when someone tests positive, their home town or city is listed for residence. Shitty way of keeping a lid on it. :roll:
Wait until most likely a lot of those beds go unused and all of those people are then forced to travel for no reason. Here, they turned the gigantic Cobo Hall into an emergency hospital and had a grand total of, at its peak, 16 patients.
They were going to use the Jacob Javits Center as an emergency hospital in NYC. Fortunately they didn't need it. Hopefully it's starting to level off now, and will start decreasing the need in the new hotspots. ... pty-2020-4

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:58 am
by megman
CHEEZY17 wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:50 am
megman wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 am Our local hospital is back to being designated a COVID hospital, so if you have minor emerg issues you have to drive 24Km to the next town.

There are unofficial cases because when someone tests positive, their home town or city is listed for residence. Shitty way of keeping a lid on it. :roll:
Wait until most likely a lot of those beds go unused and all of those people are then forced to travel for no reason. Here, they turned the gigantic Cobo Hall into an emergency hospital and had a grand total of, at its peak, 16 patients.
Our hospital is a glorified MASH unit. If they get more than 3 patients we are fucked. The helipad will be busy.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:12 am
by Charliesheen
He chose the path he took. Hope he didn’t infect anybody else.

Re: Wuhan Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:30 pm
by Antknot
megman wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 am Our local hospital is back to being designated a COVID hospital, so if you have minor emerg issues you have to drive 24Km to the next town.

There are unofficial cases because when someone tests positive, their home town or city is listed for residence. Shitty way of keeping a lid on it. :roll:
Hell lots of places are more than 15 miles from a hospital. Not to mention I’ll bet the ER isn’t turning away critical cases