Ranking as of …........................ 12/5/2023 17:12 …................. Change
Player Stock Value ROR
Geist …......... NVDA …......... $23,648.36 …......... 136.48%
Hyperv12 …......... ROOT …......... $16,185.29 …......... 61.85%
Hawkfan …......... AMZN …......... $14,325.56 …......... 43.26%
Antknot …......... TSLA …......... $13,728.21 …......... 37.28%
Cheezy …......... NFLX …......... $12,862.45 …......... 28.62%
Charliesheen …......... COST …......... $11,909.05 …......... 19.09%
B Tender …......... SNOW …......... $11,739.71 …......... 17.40%
S&P 500 Index …......... ^GSPC …......... $11,496.51 …......... 14.97%
Bluespruce …......... BA …......... $11,040.49 …......... 10.40%
Biker …......... BLK …......... $10,007.68 …......... 0.08%
RD …......... MRK …......... $9,934.57 …......... -0.65%
CTC …......... KMI …......... $9,594.52 …......... -4.05%
Animal …......... ADM …......... $8,960.60 …......... -10.39%
SaltyDog …......... WWE …......... $8,756.66 …......... -12.43%
PeteRoseHC …......... CALM …......... $8,655.99 …......... -13.44%
Disco …......... GIS …......... $8,280.95 …......... -17.19%
HighnDry …......... BURL …......... $7,630.88 …......... -23.69%
Rule34 …......... NTR …......... $6,491.42 …......... -35.09%
Porky …......... SQQQ …......... $4,114.07 …......... -58.86%
Stonedmegman …......... JRVMF …......... $1,368.42 …......... -86.32%
UJR Mutual Fund ..UP…......... $9,234.89 …......... 4.86%
* UJR Mutual Fund is what the group is doing as a whole
CNN had a big article today titled "NVIDIA. Stock of the Year 2023". And that fucking Geist added it at the absolute last minute.
I will say this though, its the first stock I think I have bought off of a UJR's advice that turned out good. I think it more than made up for the others.