Ted Cruz will get El Chapo to pay for the bridge

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Ted Cruz will get El Chapo to pay for the bridge


Post by QillerDaemon »

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ted-cruz-w ... order-wall
While Washington continues to debate funding over President Trump's long-promised border wall along the southern border, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says he has a solution for financing: Have convicted drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman foot the bill. Cruz tweeted the proposal after Guzman was found guilty on all 10 counts in his criminal conspiracy and drug trafficking trial, saying that the $14 billion dollars in drug profits U.S. prosecutors are seeking from the infamous drug lord "should go towards funding our wall to secure the border."
I'd still rather that sort of money be given to ICE and the Border Patrol (mostly the latter) to better fund and equip their operations. But it's not a bad idea, if we actually have to build that damn wall of Trump's.
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