For all the MAGAt Trumpeteers and Lie-brul socialists to post their wearisome screeds.
The board admins are not responsible for any items posted from Biker's FaceBook feed.
Anyone posting Ben Garrison political cartoons gets a three-day vacation.
Let's hope this triggers either a backroom deal or reveals some significant information that forces Donny to not run again. Then it's Haley time!
Remember, you heard it here first.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Charliesheen wrote: ↑Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:50 pm
Anything new yet? We knew about the portrait. And that he screwed his subs, along with at least one pron star.
Yep, he’s not the nicest guy.
No one expects any of this testimony to move your give-a-shit meter chuck. You've lowered your bar so far at this point its ten feet under ground. Congrats.
To work with and prop up a known liar like Trump you turn yourself into a liar...but we can only accept testimony about Trump's lying from an honest witness!
I guess Republicans forget that to bring down an Organized Crime syndicate and their criminal leader your going to get testimony from guys on the inside who were also criminals. Mafiosa types don't surround themselves with angels who don't get their hands dirty. They know that of course but the holier-than-thou piety looks good for the boss.
Bad day for the trumpcucks with Cohen airing his dirty laundry and the chief snowflake kowtowing to Kim. I think the Cohen hearing should have been postponed until after the NK trip though, seems a bit irresponsible on the timing.
Stapes wrote: ↑Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:38 pm
I guess Republicans forget that to bring down an Organized Crime syndicate and their criminal leader your going to get testimony from guys on the inside who were also criminals. Mafiosa types don't surround themselves with angels who don't get their hands dirty. They know that of course but the holier-than-thou piety looks good for the boss.
Its like they are proposing that Trump is just some aw shucks victim here who magically consistently surrounds himself with liars who only have their own self-interest in mind and falsely claim Trump's a liar when he fires them because they're scorned. Yeah, OK. Sounds legit. Lulz.
I hope Trump gives a reach-around to all of these fake tough-guy Republicans who are grandstanding on his behalf. The false righteousness is deafening.
Liars who lie and all the lying liars who lie around lying.
If you can't be a good example, you can still serve as a horrible warning.
“All mushrooms are edible. Some even more than once!”
これを グーグル 翻訳に登録してくれておめでとう、バカ。
Pretty much just confirmed the stuff already reported based on confidential sources. Since Mueller has the evidence already it didn't really change much. Trump defrauded his own charity, and is individual 1 in the Cohen indictment, the evidence for conviction is there and already in the possession of investigators. Really the only question is whether he gets impeached and indicted from office or just indicted when he leaves office. As before the Cohen open testimony that will still depend on the Mueller report and how successful trump's sham AG installed solely to suppress it actually is at suppressing it. And he will not be successful at his primary job description of suppressing the report, too many people who are actual patriots will have access.
Biker wrote: ↑Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:55 pm
So was the testimony from a convicted liar as orgasmic for you libcucks as youve hoped it would be?
Here's NPCbiker to repeat the party line...who'da thunk it? Lulz.
It was kinda awkward watching the Repubs trying to pretend Cohen just lied and scammed in a vaccuum like Trump had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. Yeah I mean Cohen wa just another rogue disgruntled Trump employee with an axe to grind. They, like Trump, tried in vain to glaringly and brazenly insult the shit out of everyone's intelligence by pissing down everyone's back and telling them it's raining. I doubt anyone expects anything less at this point.