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Flumper wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:05 am
my first employee tested positive. took his test last week. he's in the hospital now. this whole testing stuff is not as described. it really sucks for these hourly employees and as a business owner, I highly recommend that you give it some thought ahead of time.
for a few weeks i have been sending memo's out with each paycheck telling them to be careful at home, avoid crowds, don't go to parties, wear masks, blah blah blah. and telling them not to come to work if they feel at all sick (so many symptoms, too many to list). Anyway, when the first one does show up and says they don't feel good, your first reaction is to send them home and to get tested. sounds easy. well, many of these "testing" places have limits each day. some of the stores (CVS) have online signup that can take days. like 4 or 5 days to get an appointment. then the tests take 5 to 8 days to get results. so you send someone home and they can't get a test for 4 days and no results for 8 more. that's 2 weeks they are home before they know if they even have the virus. do you pay them for those 2 weeks? you certainly don't want to create a system where they lie about not being sick because they don't want to go home for 2 weeks with no pay. its really something to think about ahead of time. and don't depend on word of mouth, people will tell you all kinds of crazy shit. call for yourself and confirm everything.
on a side note, my normal clinic that handles work injuries does testing for covid. so i called them. they said "yeah we do it." after a few questions they told me "but not if they have symptoms. we only test asymptomatic people". You can imagine how my end of the conversation went after that news. I am not making that shit up, either.
I know where you can get them tested, get results in about 3 days, never come in physical contact with a human being, and don't have to deal with the "brain tickler" test.
Only problem is it might cost $129 (if the insurance doesn't cover some of it)
i found a place that will do an antibody test for $99 and you get results in 5 minutes. only problem is you have to have the virus for a week to 3 weeks before you have antibodies for it to detect. its no good for an initial test. it will work for a "come back to work" test.
my secretary went there today and took the test. no waiting. they come to the car. finger prick, blood test.
FSchmertz wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:57 am
Only problem is it might cost $129 (if the insurance doesn't cover some of it)
i don't care what it costs. i pay cash for the full amount. 3 days sounds great.
Sent you a link, it's Rutgers Spit Test
P.S. Took it today, sent back via UPS
explain it more here. i'm 100% interested. i would rather have about a dozen on hand and use them as I need them. do you mail them in to be tested? how do you know its 3 days?
FSchmertz wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:57 am
Only problem is it might cost $129 (if the insurance doesn't cover some of it)
i don't care what it costs. i pay cash for the full amount. 3 days sounds great.
Sent you a link, it's Rutgers Spit Test
P.S. Took it today, sent back via UPS
explain it more here. i'm 100% interested.
1) i would rather have about a dozen on hand and use them as I need them. Not sure how you'd do that, and if there's any storage limitations, I'd email them. They watch each individual do the test on Zoom to make sure they do it right
2) do you mail them in to be tested? Yes, they provide the express mail envelope in the package already made out, Fed Ex or UPS
3) how do you know its 3 days? Says right on that site
P.S. They express mailed it to my front door, got it next day after ordering, sent it out next day.
FSchmertz wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:57 am
I know where you can get them tested, get results in about 3 days, never come in physical contact with a human being, and don't have to deal with the "brain tickler" test.
Only problem is it might cost $129 (if the insurance doesn't cover some of it)
"We’ll bill your insurance for the test. If you don’t have insurance, we’ll handle that, too, through public funding. All we ask is that you use and return the kit you request for testing, since inventory is limited."
Most insurance are covering the entire cost, since they understand it's cheaper to pay for this than a several days-to-months ICU stay.
If you can't be a good example, you can still serve as a horrible warning.
“All mushrooms are edible. Some even more than once!”
これを グーグル 翻訳に登録してくれておめでとう、バカ。
Flumper wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:05 am
my first employee tested positive. took his test last week. he's in the hospital now. this whole testing stuff is not as described. it really sucks for these hourly employees and as a business owner, I highly recommend that you give it some thought ahead of time.
for a few weeks i have been sending memo's out with each paycheck telling them to be careful at home, avoid crowds, don't go to parties, wear masks, blah blah blah. and telling them not to come to work if they feel at all sick (so many symptoms, too many to list). Anyway, when the first one does show up and says they don't feel good, your first reaction is to send them home and to get tested. sounds easy. well, many of these "testing" places have limits each day. some of the stores (CVS) have online signup that can take days. like 4 or 5 days to get an appointment. then the tests take 5 to 8 days to get results. so you send someone home and they can't get a test for 4 days and no results for 8 more. that's 2 weeks they are home before they know if they even have the virus. do you pay them for those 2 weeks? you certainly don't want to create a system where they lie about not being sick because they don't want to go home for 2 weeks with no pay. its really something to think about ahead of time. and don't depend on word of mouth, people will tell you all kinds of crazy shit. call for yourself and confirm everything.
on a side note, my normal clinic that handles work injuries does testing for covid. so i called them. they said "yeah we do it." after a few questions they told me "but not if they have symptoms. we only test asymptomatic people". You can imagine how my end of the conversation went after that news. I am not making that shit up, either.
Flumper wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:05 am
my first employee tested positive. took his test last week. he's in the hospital now. this whole testing stuff is not as described. it really sucks for these hourly employees and as a business owner, I highly recommend that you give it some thought ahead of time.
for a few weeks i have been sending memo's out with each paycheck telling them to be careful at home, avoid crowds, don't go to parties, wear masks, blah blah blah. and telling them not to come to work if they feel at all sick (so many symptoms, too many to list). Anyway, when the first one does show up and says they don't feel good, your first reaction is to send them home and to get tested. sounds easy. well, many of these "testing" places have limits each day. some of the stores (CVS) have online signup that can take days. like 4 or 5 days to get an appointment. then the tests take 5 to 8 days to get results. so you send someone home and they can't get a test for 4 days and no results for 8 more. that's 2 weeks they are home before they know if they even have the virus. do you pay them for those 2 weeks? you certainly don't want to create a system where they lie about not being sick because they don't want to go home for 2 weeks with no pay. its really something to think about ahead of time. and don't depend on word of mouth, people will tell you all kinds of crazy shit. call for yourself and confirm everything.
on a side note, my normal clinic that handles work injuries does testing for covid. so i called them. they said "yeah we do it." after a few questions they told me "but not if they have symptoms. we only test asymptomatic people". You can imagine how my end of the conversation went after that news. I am not making that shit up, either.
How is the employee doing?
I am trying to find out now. All I know is that he checked into a hospital sunday and was still there yesterday. he isnt in ICU and has his cell phone. So, one of my guys is going to call him today and let me know something.
There haven't been any positive cases here for two weeks until a flight arrived from the US yesterday. Two returning bermudians tested positive. I think now everyone on the plane, Bermudian and tourists, are under quarantine until they get their test results back.
Charliesheen wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:05 pm
I still don’t know anybody whose gotten the COVID.
this is the first guy that i have known. two people have talked to him in the hospital today. he said he thinks he's over the worst of it and is felling "a little" better. But he thinks it might be tomorrow before they send him home.
that's pretty damn good news. this guy is probably 50 yo. and his first symptoms were last wed. checked into the hospital Sunday. and feeling better on Tuesday. I still don't know how bad it got.
I haven't had any close friends get it, that I know of, but three people I'm acquainted with have. None of them were hospitalized. My part of town has been hit the hardest in SD, likely due to it being more blue collar, and close to the border.
One of the secretaries had a kid that tested positive, and the whole family was on lockdown for two weeks. Her husband is on our field crew, and he tested positive, and two weeks later was still positive.
About 5 days later he came back with a negative test. He was asymptomatic.
Cheezy still thinks its a hoax and is determined to wait it out until those numbers start dropping. Hey, even a house on fire has to run out of gas sooner or later right Cheezy? but,but,
Stapes wrote: ↑Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:17 pm
Cheezy still thinks its a hoax and is determined to wait it out until those numbers start dropping. Hey, even a house on fire has to run out of gas sooner or later right Cheezy? but,but,
Please quote where I said its a hoax.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."