Whoever they are, there is a goods ratio of chicks to dudes in that bar. Holy shit.
Wait all the faggots are huddled at the end watching basketball replays!
Moderator: Biker
Whoever they are, there is a goods ratio of chicks to dudes in that bar. Holy shit.
opening bars was the wrong answer. almost every governor learned that lesson the hard way.CaptQuint wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:55 am Found that photo
Allegheny County Bans Drinking In Bars In Response To COVID-19 Surge
https://www.wesa.fm/post/allegheny-coun ... e#stream/0
So I guess letting people social distance by themselves is the wrong answer
Top comment on that thread
That's what he said. They were afraid that they'd run out of N95 masks. Trump and previous presidents had let the stockpile be depleted.Burn1dwn wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:49 amSince late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:01 amthat groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?
Do you have others to add?
some friends that i have in a few hospitals are telling me that the problem they are having now is the same problem they had in the beginning. people that work at the hospitals are hoarding all the PPE and taking it home to family and friends.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:22 amThat's what he said. They were afraid that they'd run out of N95 masks. Trump and previous presidents had let the stockpile be depleted.Burn1dwn wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:49 amSince late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:01 amthat groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?
Do you have others to add?
And now I'm hearing the states with increasing cases are worrying about running out of protective gear. I thought we'd fixed that.
Hmm.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:27 amsome friends that i have in a few hospitals are telling me that the problem they are having now is the same problem they had in the beginning. people that work at the hospitals are hoarding all the PPE and taking it home to family and friends.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:22 amThat's what he said. They were afraid that they'd run out of N95 masks. Trump and previous presidents had let the stockpile be depleted.Burn1dwn wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:49 amSince late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:01 amthat groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?
Do you have others to add?
And now I'm hearing the states with increasing cases are worrying about running out of protective gear. I thought we'd fixed that.
he wasn't flip flopping in early March when the virus shit first hit the fan.Burn1dwn wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:49 amSince late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?
Do you have others to add?
i'm pretty sure they are taking home unopened boxes and packages of PPE. not going through the trash outside the ICU ward.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:31 amHmm.
Though people working in the medical field with COVID-19 patients might be worried about giving it to loved ones.
I read stories in the NY/NJ area of medical folks isolating themselves in their home's garages to avoid contact with and possible infection of their families.
I read that WHO originally treated COVID-19 like flu, where they really worry about droplets and hand/eye/mouth contact. Now pretty much all health agencies say the real risk is aerosols. WHO seems to be one of the few agencies still holding on to treating this like the flu.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:33 amhe wasn't flip flopping in early March when the virus shit first hit the fan.Burn1dwn wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:49 amSince late March (when China's misrepresentations about the nature of the virus came to light), Fauci has been pretty consistent on saying we should enact social distance measures and stick with them longer than "we" would like.
The only flip flopping I have seen from Fauci is when he was saying that America didn't have to worry about COVID (based off bad info) to saying it is the worst pandemic in 102 years.
And he kind of gave non-answers on the Mask question early on before recommending that they be worn in public. Could of been because of the mask shortages in the beginning of the shutdown and now we are stocked up?
Do you have others to add?
The following was published on March 8.
When it comes to preventing coronavirus, public health officials have been clear: Healthy people do not need to wear a face mask to protect themselves from COVID-19.
"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.
While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.
What a crock of shit. You have no proof of any of that. Thats the same shitty conspiracy nonsense trump was spouting about NY nurses.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:35 ami'm pretty sure they are taking home unopened boxes and packages of PPE. not going through the trash outside the ICU ward.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:31 amHmm.
Though people working in the medical field with COVID-19 patients might be worried about giving it to loved ones.
I read stories in the NY/NJ area of medical folks isolating themselves in their home's garages to avoid contact with and possible infection of their families.
???Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:35 ami'm pretty sure they are taking home unopened boxes and packages of PPE. not going through the trash outside the ICU ward.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:31 amHmm.
Though people working in the medical field with COVID-19 patients might be worried about giving it to loved ones.
I read stories in the NY/NJ area of medical folks isolating themselves in their home's garages to avoid contact with and possible infection of their families.
i said its what friends i have in the medical field have told me. one guy, that is a heart surgeon in dallas said it was just evaporating at their hospital back in march. I know for a fact that during March, Dallas had hardly any cases, and every major hospital in town was screaming that they were out of PPE. I asked about it because these hospitals were supposed to be ready for "some level" of a pandemic for years and their response was all the same. People were taking it all home. They were having to implement new policies to lock it all up.Stapes wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:43 amWhat a crock of shit. You have no proof of any of that. Thats the same shitty conspiracy nonsense trump was spouting about NY nurses.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:35 ami'm pretty sure they are taking home unopened boxes and packages of PPE. not going through the trash outside the ICU ward.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:31 amHmm.
Though people working in the medical field with COVID-19 patients might be worried about giving it to loved ones.
I read stories in the NY/NJ area of medical folks isolating themselves in their home's garages to avoid contact with and possible infection of their families.
March? This is four months later........they arent having trouble keeping stock from being raided......they cant get their hands on any and no help from the federal government....they seem to have washed their hands of the whole thing. Why are there still shortages? What happens in the fall and another surge starts that they are expecting? Failed leadership my friend. As our friend WTC says. There is going to be a bloodbath....just not the one he is expecting.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:47 ami said its what friends i have in the medical field have told me. one guy, that is a heart surgeon in dallas said it was just evaporating at their hospital back in march. I know for a fact that during March, Dallas had hardly any cases, and every major hospital in town was screaming that they were out of PPE. I asked about it because these hospitals were supposed to be ready for "some level" of a pandemic for years and their response was all the same. People were taking it all home. They were having to implement new policies to lock it all up.Stapes wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:43 amWhat a crock of shit. You have no proof of any of that. Thats the same shitty conspiracy nonsense trump was spouting about NY nurses.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:35 ami'm pretty sure they are taking home unopened boxes and packages of PPE. not going through the trash outside the ICU ward.FSchmertz wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:31 amHmm.
Though people working in the medical field with COVID-19 patients might be worried about giving it to loved ones.
I read stories in the NY/NJ area of medical folks isolating themselves in their home's garages to avoid contact with and possible infection of their families.
Stapes wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:52 am March? This is four months later........they arent having trouble keeping stock from being raided......they cant get their hands on any and no help from the federal government....they seem to have washed their hands of the whole thing. Why are there still shortages? What happens in the fall and another surge starts that they are expecting? Failed leadership my friend. As our friend WTC says. There is going to be a bloodbath....just not the one he is expecting.
It's a talking point memo coming from the whitehouse because they want to reopen despite failing to contain it, which Fauci, doing his job, is telling the truth about being a stupid idea. It's top down not groundswell, and rooted in the incompetent handling of the early stages.Flumper wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:01 amthat groundswell (to discredit Fauci) is coming from the republican states. they are tired of fauci saying this, then saying that, then changing rules every month or so. it is the top of the list bitch with every republican right now. they are fed up with all of it. they just want to be allowed to social distance, use their own judgment and go back to work and live their lives.
Stapes wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:45 am Meanwhile the president is busy retweeting Chuck woolery tweets that the CDC is lying the doctors are lying about covid-19 to ruin his election chances. Medical experts can't be trusted but a third-tier game show host can be. This president has washed his hands of the whole thing.