For all the MAGAt Trumpeteers and Lie-brul socialists to post their wearisome screeds.
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CHEEZY17 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:41 pm
It's funny that it seems to be only the lefties who don't understand that everyone but them knows exactly who and what FOX News is.
You fucks bitch about it like your life depended on it.
Doubtful anyone would care as much if the child President that calls every other outlet "fake news" and the "enemy of the people" didn't rain praise down on them like they are reporting the pulse of America's voters while his dipshit supporters clapped like circus seals. But hey...details...right guy?
Aw, how cute.
It's not my fault you can't tell the difference between mockery and outrage.
And your point that fox is right wing propaganda and trump watches it? Shocker!!!!!!
Youre having a rough day today. Lolz
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
CHEEZY17 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:53 pm
Aw, how cute.
It's not my fault you can't tell the difference between mockery and outrage.
And your point that fox is right wing propaganda and trump watches it? Shocker!!!!!!
Youre having a rough day today. Lolz're really giving me the business today and I'm in full meltdown mode. You are a guy on the internet and you say words...that's how I know they're true. Lulz.
CHEEZY17 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:53 pm
Aw, how cute.
It's not my fault you can't tell the difference between mockery and outrage.
And your point that fox is right wing propaganda and trump watches it? Shocker!!!!!!
Youre having a rough day today. Lolz're really giving me the business today and I'm in full meltdown mode. You are a guy on the internet and you say words...that's how I know they're true. Lulz.
Kinda like when you implied that I was somehow angry or disturbed by Betos comment? You said it so it must be true.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
CHEEZY17 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:53 pm
Aw, how cute.
It's not my fault you can't tell the difference between mockery and outrage.
And your point that fox is right wing propaganda and trump watches it? Shocker!!!!!!
Youre having a rough day today. Lolz're really giving me the business today and I'm in full meltdown mode. You are a guy on the internet and you say words...that's how I know they're true. Lulz.
Kinda like when you implied that I was somehow angry or disturbed by Betos comment? You said it so it must be true.
It was more of a reaction than you've given a Trump thread in 2 its all relative.