TL;DR - if you want an account on this board, create and activate it as soon as possible. Otherwise it's going to get trashed. If you have any problems registering or activating your board account, email me ASAP at and I'll do what I can to help you.
Notice to inactive users: if you visit this board and make an account, you will have up to five days to activate it and start to post. If after about five to seven days you've made your account, yet not taken the time to activate it and become a contributing member of this board, your account will be deleted by me. You will have then to make a new account to rejoin the board. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Please note that at this time, all email addresses ending in top level domain .ru are banned from activating an account at this site.
Sorry, but just the way it has to be for now. Go talk to Uncle Vlad. A Слава Україні!
Read this important part -->
If you have any issues with making or activating your board account, you can email me at
The text above is important, so read it!
All members of the board may write an email to me at the same address if they have any issues to discuss. Or to send me hate mail or bitch about
Edit: it should be noted we have a long list of domains that we've marked as spam sources, particularly .ru email addresses, and I routinely delete those inactive users with such an address. If you are trying to activate your account and cannot since it has a spammer address, please let me know as soon as possible, before I delete your inactive account. I can manually activate it and send you an email confirmation. I'm keeping this thread up as an announcement for the mean time.
The reason for this thread is to let actual interested non-members know they need to take ownership of their account as soon as possible after going through the account creation process. We get over a dozen new accounts every day, many sign up yet never claim their new account. Others are obviously spam accounts. These new but non-activated accounts can't just linger, so every couple of days I go thru and delete out all those unclaimed accounts. That means on rare occasions I delete an account for someone who intended on being a member, but screwed around too long before actually activating it. Too bad, so sad: you can still make a new account even with the account name that I deleted. Try again.
The way I figure it, you want to be a member of this forum, you make your account, and after you get your confirmation email, you activate your account within that day to become an active participant of this board. Or two days at most. Bitching at me because you made an account but took two weeks to activate is not my problem as board admin. Now, on the other hand, some people don't get their confirmation email as I've banned a metric fuckload of spammer domains. I can still manually activate your account even if your account email is with a banned domain. It would help, though, if you had a less spammy email address. Spam is bad for business.
Qillerdaemon, board admin.
Inactive users: please activate and use your UJR account, or you will lose it!
Moderator: QillerDaemon
- QillerDaemon
- Crazy Old Cat Lady
- Posts: 4218
- Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:35 pm
- Location: Beautiful downtown OrloVista FL
- Interests: キラーデモン
- Occupation: Router/Switch Jockey.
Inactive users: please activate and use your UJR account, or you will lose it!
If you can't be a good example, you can still serve as a horrible warning.
“All mushrooms are edible. Some even more than once!”
これを グーグル 翻訳に登録してくれておめでとう、バカ。
“All mushrooms are edible. Some even more than once!”
これを グーグル 翻訳に登録してくれておめでとう、バカ。