AT&T promised 7,000 new jobs to get tax break—it cut 23,000 jobs instead.

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Reservoir Dog
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AT&T promised 7,000 new jobs to get tax break—it cut 23,000 jobs instead.


Post by Reservoir Dog »

AT&T also cut capital spending despite promising $1 billion capital boost.

Duped again. :roll: ... L1hnQrQecg
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Re: AT&T promised 7,000 new jobs to get tax break—it cut 23,000 jobs instead.


Post by FSchmertz »

NJ right now is examining what they're getting for their tax exemptions.

The problem is the biggest political boss in South Jersey (though he manages that without holding office somehow), George Norcross, feeds from that trough, and he won't like it if someone isn't filling it with new pork. And very few politicians will risk taking him on, especially in his South Jersey Kingdom.
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