Belated thanks

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Belated thanks


Post by woohooguy »

Hope all you bastids had a great thanksgiving!

It was a quiet one here, had to work the next day so couldn't stay up late with the family.

The nieces and nephews came by again without their dad, which means the absolute world to us!! We have built a solid tradition of having them every year and it literally brings me to tears that they want to spend Thanksgiving with us since the parents divorced many years back.. My brother in law is just like a brother to me, and his kids preferring to come to our house for thanksgiving without him is just amazing. The brother in law has spent the last 2 thanksgivings with his new girlfriends family and I can be happier for them, he deserves it after the hell the ex wife put him through.

We had a 24lb bird this year, and I am in the final process of running off two batches of turkey bones/skin/etc in the electric pressure cooker to make stock, and hopefully get to cool down outside before I go to bed as its like 32 degrees now. Turkey noodle soup on the menu tomorrow!
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Re: Belated thanks


Post by Reservoir Dog »

When you say "ex-wife" do you mean your sister... or your ex-wife?

(unless your sister is your ex-wife. then don't answer, I don't wanna know)
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Re: Belated thanks


Post by QillerDaemon »

Stories like this always have more background to them, and despite knowing better than to be freakin' nosy, I always have to wonder what more there is in the telling.

None of my (or our) business, and not gonna ask. But still... :geek:
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