CaptQuint wrote: ↑Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:17 am
things that i don't like are propaganda
Guy's, i want to use this cartoon that CaptDummy posted to give you an indication of what kinds of tactics this propoganda you people devour each day can do to your brain. Oddly enough people use this kind of garbage to make decisions. This crap makes the facebook rounds and ends up in letters and emails to elected officials who are forced to make decisions relying on no more than stupidity like this.
so, what jumps off the page when you see this? Well, if you are hoping for bad news (aka Hate Trump), nothing except an "I told you so" for shutting down the schools and further wrecking our economy. But if you have a brain in your head, then you say "Hmm. That doesn't seem to make any sense. First why would a Secretary of Education talk about kids dying and Second, those numbers seem way too high".
Well, from what I can tell, there is no quote of her saying what is in that cartoon. I'm sure someone took a bunch of words she said and rearranged them to come up with it, that's usually what they do, but the facts are that as of the latest CDC numbers, so far (to-date) 14 kids age 5 to 14 have died of Covid in the US. 14. Their chances of dying, IF they get covid are less than this cartoon suggests. And their chances of getting the virus and being tested positive for it are not even taken into account.
So, with all the talk about Russian hackers and their effects on the election, take a moment and think about what people like CaptNimrod are posting. Think about the information he puts out there and how it affects your thoughts.
here's some real facts on the subject: