Things that make you go Hmmmmmm

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Things that make you go Hmmmmmm


Post by Biker »

Jeffrey Epstein flight log subpoena request denied by Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee, Blackburn says

Adam Sabes

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., criticized Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., for allegedly blocking her request to file a subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

"@SenatorDurbin BLOCKED my request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. What are Democrats trying to hide?," Blackburn posted on X.

Blackburn called Durbin's actions a "sad day in the history of the prestigious Judiciary Committee."

"Senate Democrats have long been trying to undermine the Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas, but want to ignore Justice Sotomayor allegedly using her taxpayer-funded staff to coordinate speaking engagements in exchange for selling and promoting thousands of her books. They also don’t want to have a conversation about the estate of Jeffrey Epstein to find out the names of every person who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s human trafficking ring," Blackburn said in a statement.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., questions Internal Revenue Service Commisioner Daniel Werfel during the Senate Finance Committee hearing on "The President's Fiscal Year 2024 IRS Budget and the IRS's 2023 Filing Season" on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images) (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee aide told Fox News Digital that Durbin made clear he was willing to stay all day in order to allow Republicans to offer as well as debate the 177 amendments that they filed ahead of the markup, saying that the committee would vote on the subpoena authorization after.

However, several Republicans on the committee allegedly began to filibuster and didn't allow Blackburn to offer the first amendment to the authorization, the Democratic committee aide said.

She first moved for the flight records to be subpoenaed in early November.

"Since we're in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more that I've filed," Blackburn told the committee during a meeting in early November discussing possible subpoenas related to a Supreme Court ethics probe.

"A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane. Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, we've got to identify everyone who could have participated in his horrific conduct," Blackburn said.
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Re: Things that make you go Hmmmmmm


Post by CHEEZY17 »

Its really incredible that after all of these years we STILL dont know. There must be some big names on that list.
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