WKRP turkeys away

All the news from the peanut gallery and where all the nasty trash talk fails miserably.
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WKRP turkeys away


Post by Antknot »

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Re: WKRP turkeys away


Post by jsdspif »

just thought of that episode because I saw a thing on the news about a lady pilot in alaska was dropping turkeys to people that were unable to get a turkey. That was my dad's favorite episode though.
Also reminds me of the story he'd tell every year. His company (company he ran) used to send boxes of parts that they were molding to a sales rep in new york. That guy would always just stick the boxes in his closet and forget about them. So around xgiving a box is delivered to him "just put it in the closet I might open it someday" thinking it was just more sample parts. So a week or so later the place started to smell bad and everyone wondered where it was coming from. They finally figured out the most recent box was a smoked turkey that a customer sent him so after a couple weeks....you get the idea. Of course when my dad told the story he got so animated and kind of hyper and that was strange because he was normally pretty laid back.
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